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מסכים במאה אחוזלצערינו
על הנייר הכל נראה יפה פשוט וקל. רק על הנייר...
Long term thinkingמסכים במאה אחוז
אבל אגב, רוב הדברים המסורטטים פה נמצאים בצורה זו או אחרת על ניירות הרבה יותר מסודרים ורשמיים. חלקם אפילו בהליכי גיבוש קצת יותר מתקדמים, או בהקמה.
מזדהה עם כל מילהLong term thinking
The fact that such plans look nice on paper should not be discouraging us and the citizens of Israel in general to make proposals. In fact I think that exactly proposals like this in a way are pushing plans forward. I would even say, such ideas and proposals are part of a democratization in planning processes. Only imagine if more and more people would ask for a functioning public transportation. Imagine if there were more debates in newspapers and in city councils or in the knesset ... Exactly those debates are forwarding planning issues. I really think that if people in Israel would tend to leave their "resignation attitude", things can change. But unfortunatelly there still is not enough conscience in that respect. It should be hammered into the heads of people, that their life standard has to do with good public transportation - with the rail network as its backbone! So in the end it is upon every concerned citizen to promote this issue- without any resignation. Let me just say, that even Aviv's "nice drawing" or "paperwork" will leave it's mark behind. And in the future maybe some journalist will publish a similar map and the echo will be bigger. It's about long term thinking... Target: Democratization of planning processes!(democracy not only in the sense of voting, but in the sense of civil participation) What do you think?
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