שיר שכתבתי על הפסיכולוגית שטיפלה בי בעבר
טיפלה בי בגילאי 13-18, הצילה את חיי (בזכות השיחות איתה לא התאבדתי למרות ההפרעה ולמרות בעיות פוסט-טראומטיות קשות), אישה מדהימה בשם אריאלה. נפטרה לצערנו בטרם עת ממחלה קשה בשנת 2001. יהיה זכרה ברוך!
(השיר באנגלית כי כתבתי אותו במסגרת הטיפול הנוכחי שלי, והעו"סית שמטפלת בי כיום היא אמריקנית שמתקשה קצת לקרוא עברית, ואני הרי כותב באנגלית בערך באותה רמה כמו בעברית אז כתבתי באנגלית..)
I sat in Ariella's office,
Bound without chains,
Imprisoned without bars,
Hugged without touch,
In a warm but tight embrace.
Ariella's loving eyes
Held me with an iron grip.
From the loving logic of her words
I had no way to escape.
She grabbed me without lifting her hand
And with a calm, soft voice she would reprimand.
In the storm of my burning depression
It was as if Ariella underwent a transformation:
Her clothes seemed like a police uniform
When her words took shape to form
Walls and locks of the strongest kind -
To imprison my hurt, fleeing mind.
Her gaze was like an iron chain,
Locking me tightly when out of pain
I wanted to waste my life in vain.
For her it seemed like a serious crime
For me to want to end my life in its prime.
So in her soft hug I was jailed,
And all my attempts to escape failed.
She smiled with joy as her stare held me tightly,
Rejoicing in the hope she could give me.
Such an angelic woman she was:
She could love me and be furious at me,
Imprison and hug me,
Punish and reward me,
Be angry at me and care about me,
All while smiling so heartily.
And when she died, a darkness fell upon me,
Her memory a single candle burning in it.
טיפלה בי בגילאי 13-18, הצילה את חיי (בזכות השיחות איתה לא התאבדתי למרות ההפרעה ולמרות בעיות פוסט-טראומטיות קשות), אישה מדהימה בשם אריאלה. נפטרה לצערנו בטרם עת ממחלה קשה בשנת 2001. יהיה זכרה ברוך!
(השיר באנגלית כי כתבתי אותו במסגרת הטיפול הנוכחי שלי, והעו"סית שמטפלת בי כיום היא אמריקנית שמתקשה קצת לקרוא עברית, ואני הרי כותב באנגלית בערך באותה רמה כמו בעברית אז כתבתי באנגלית..)
I sat in Ariella's office,
Bound without chains,
Imprisoned without bars,
Hugged without touch,
In a warm but tight embrace.
Ariella's loving eyes
Held me with an iron grip.
From the loving logic of her words
I had no way to escape.
She grabbed me without lifting her hand
And with a calm, soft voice she would reprimand.
In the storm of my burning depression
It was as if Ariella underwent a transformation:
Her clothes seemed like a police uniform
When her words took shape to form
Walls and locks of the strongest kind -
To imprison my hurt, fleeing mind.
Her gaze was like an iron chain,
Locking me tightly when out of pain
I wanted to waste my life in vain.
For her it seemed like a serious crime
For me to want to end my life in its prime.
So in her soft hug I was jailed,
And all my attempts to escape failed.
She smiled with joy as her stare held me tightly,
Rejoicing in the hope she could give me.
Such an angelic woman she was:
She could love me and be furious at me,
Imprison and hug me,
Punish and reward me,
Be angry at me and care about me,
All while smiling so heartily.
And when she died, a darkness fell upon me,
Her memory a single candle burning in it.