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Subject: Re: [clubfoot] Dbb until 3 or 4 years? Alex wore his till he was almost 3 and was walking. He was real good about putting it on at night. He even would go retrieve it for us. Then in the AM when he woke up he would take it off himself. There were only a few times when he took it of during the night but we noticed it was when it was real hot so we figured his feet were hot. We just talked to him about not taking it off during the night. I know, trying to explain this to a 2 year old but he seemed to understand. I mean he could have taken if off anytime by himself but he didn't. We always knew when he took it off because he would drop the DBB on the floor when he took it off and we heard the thump! Just to add, he was in a regular toddler bed as well. We took him out of the crib early because he was leaning over the crib rail and we were afraid he would go head first over and on the floor. Figured he was safer in a toddler bed. We picked up a doorknob cover and put it on the inside of his door so he could not get out of his room. Janine Mom to Alex 3-7-99 bilateral clubfoot surgical correction 1-20-00 close to "normal" feet now NO braces, PT or restrictions והנה עוד הודעה Subject: [clubfoot] Re: Dbb until 3 or 4 years? Hi, Alison, My daughter is almost 4 and still wearing her brace at night. It might seem like a big deal, but it's really not for us, if you think about that she only wears it during sleep. It comes off the minute she wakes up. It doesn't affect her daily life at all. Except that she has beautiful, normal-looking, straight feet on which to run and jump. It was helpful for me when it was explained that clubfoot is a condition that remains 'active' for several years, from the time in the womb to about 4 years or so. Apparently there are other orthopedic conditions like that, such as scoliosis, which occurs in older kids/teens. It's something that must be dealt with on an ongoing basis for at least a few years. The alternative is risking relapse, which then would involve casting, at an older age, probably brace wear again anyway, or surgery, which has post op casts and sometimes bracing too. So there's no "free lunch", without ramifications of some sort. Of course in an ideal world I'd rather her not have to wear it, but in an ideal world I suppose she wouldn't have been born with the condition in the first place. But she was.. and I am grateful that it is one that can be managed so well.. with fantastic results, in the short term, and with such a good long term prognosis for her as an adult. Shoes worn at night for a while seem worth it! It takes me all of about 2 minutes to put it on each night and only a few seconds to remove it the next morning. Long answer to your question! Hope it helped.. Teresa and Claire P.S. My daughter never takes her brace off herself. Maybe because it's such a part of her routine that she ignores it. She can get in and out of bed wearing it. Usually she calls when she wakes up and I take it right off as I say good morning. (Sometimes I find her playing on the floor of her room. Today I found her standing in her brace ! in her brother's room, across the hall, playing a game of Silly Six Pins! She had just rolled a strike.. =) smile אולי המקרים שלהם יגרמו לך לחשוב אחרת