הורד הכסוף?
אני לא מכירה אותו, אבל אשמח לשמוע עליו. בינתיים חיפשתי קצת והגעתי דווקא אל עלילות גילגמש^^: "(He tells Gilgamesh what to do.) - The long journey home to Uruk was a pleasant one, for Gilgamesh held the flower in his hand and no danger could threaten him. - One afternoon, weary and dusty, not many days journey from home, he reached the shores of a little lake . The water smelled clean and fresh after his days of travel over a parched land. Having removed his garments, he placed the precious flower securely on a stone right near the water, and plunged in. After his swim he waded ashore just in time to see a snake, disappear with the flower of eternal youth in its mouth. Search as he might, Gilgamesh could never find it again. - (He returned home.) "For this have I watched my dear friend Enkidu descend to the feathered House of No Return! For this - to have brought eternal life not to my beloved people, but to the race of serpents!"