Sparkley Judy
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שני דברים:
1. MKA are coming to Australia in October to ´celebrate the launch of their new fashion, lifestyle and entertainment range.´ more news when available. אז הקו אופנה מגיע גם לאוסטרליה! אם הבנתי נכון.... 2.The world presents each fad and tries to give off the image of being ´cool´ for the person to take part in the latest marketing scheme. The Olsen twins have been around for many years and have gathered a following by many impressionable young girls. The problem is that the Olsen twins are terrible role models for the Christian. They represent evil and worldliness in all they do. Yet many professing Christian young people follow these two girls as their "fan" or role model. In this short tract we will look at what the Olsen twins stand for in light of the Word of God. We will conclude with thoughts for children who follow these girls and their parents who allow this foolishness. When compared with the standards from the Bible, the Olsen twins prove to be very bad role models for the Christian. There are great role models for lost, perishing, Christ rejecting young people and are very popular with that crowd. However, should the Christian lower standards so low to participate? The easiest way to see what these two girls are about is to go to their web site. The first thing that caught my eye was the availability of the daily horoscope for people to read. Not much needs to be said about the occult practice of astrology here. It is an abomination to God and the Scriptures condemn this activity. Astrology is a terrible influence to Christian young people! Yoga has its roots in Eastern mysticism. It is based on the occult philosophy where yin and yan must be balanced to create harmony in the body and soul. On their website the Olsen twins promote this form of occultism to their followers. Here is a copy of a public letter to their fans: Monday, April 15, 2002 Hi Everyone! There´s been so much going on lately! Just like you guys, we were so excited about spring break, which was great chance to catch up with all our friends and go to the movies with our boyfriends. The time off gave Mary-Kate a chance to ride her horses and both of us got in a lot of yoga. Then there was Easter, which we spent with our family... and suddenly it was time to prepare for our new movie shoot in Europe! We´ve got to run, but there´s going to be tons about our European vacation in a few weeks right here on So keep logging on! Love, Mary-Kate and Ashley * * * * * As you can see by reading the above, the Olsen twins like and promote yoga. This is not a good influence to Christian young people! The Olsen twins dress in a worldly way with clothes that does not encourage Biblical modesty. To put it simply, their revealing sleeveless tops, low cut tops, and belly revealing shirts do not promote Godly dress. Naturally the world of lost people care little about these things. But, Christians should be concerned about immoral dress. The twins even have a line of clothes where these type of clothes can be purchased in stores. This way their followers can imitate the same immoral dress modeled by the Olsen twins. Christian parents should be very concerned about how their children are influenced in dress and appearance. The Olsen twins love and promote rock music. Rock music does not come by itself. It is always a package deal which includes: rebellion, drugs, immorality, the occult, and blasphemy. Is is good for Christian children to be influenced to follow the latest rock and roll groups? I would say no! Here is a thought. You show me a family that lets their children be a follower of the Olsen twins and I´ll show you some young people who like rock and roll! These people will get into the Brittney Spears or the Backstreet Boys or whatever the latest fad rock groups are available. The Olsen twins are boy crazy. The themes of their movies and games are boys and crushes etc. Again there is an issue with immorality and a wrong attitude of ´chasing´ boys. The Olsen twins are literally a marketing ploy to create a large following of young children between the ages of 4-13. The goal is to create a money making fad using these two girls. There are movies, games, a magazine, clothes with their names, posters, and other junk trinkets for sale. The very sad thing about this whole issue with the Olsen twins is that Christian parents condone this evil and worldly influence to their children! TO THE YOUNG PEOPLE OBSESSED BY THE OLSEN TWINS Young person do you call yourself a Christian? If so then are you a follower of the Olsen twins? If you claim to be a Christian and a follower of the Lord Jesus then why do you accept such a worldly and a bad influence into your life? Words mean something but actions really show where a person stands. A young person who is also a follower of the Olsen twins and allows this evil influence into their life has a love problem. They really do not love God. Yes it is one thing to say: "I love God" and "I am a Christian" However, to accept and defend such an evil influences as the Olsen twins should make a person do some soul searching. Is the Lord Jesus really your Lord and Saviour? Are you really saved and committed to the Lord Jesus? Do you seek to please the Lord with your life? Young person you need to think about these things! Parents have a responsibility and calling before the Lord to raise a Godly seed. This means parents should have a goal of creating a home where the Lord is honored and children can grow up and hopefully accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour when they come of age. An evil influence like the Olsen twins creates a environment at home where the children will be led astray. As children get obsessed with rock and roll and their teen idols, they will develop hard hearts to the things of God. If you love the Lord and want to raise a Godly seed, then why do you allow such evil into your home? Do you really want the influence of the demonic to lead your children away from God? We are living in the last days before the Lord Jesus returns. These days will be filled with many who no longer have a heart for sound All parents and professing Christian young people who reject this warning and choose to continue with the evil influences of the Olsen twins, are in rebellion to God. It really does not take much discernment to see that the lifestyle and image the Olsen twins project is not from God. The Olsen twins are a perfect role model for the lost and perishing. But they are a terrible role model for the Christian who wants to grow and follow the Lord Jesus! Make your choice today as to who you will follow. The choice is between the Lord and the worldly and evil influence of the Olsen twins אני יודעת שאנחנו לא נוצרים.. אבל סתם היה מסקרן לקרוא. אתם מאמינים לזה?
1. MKA are coming to Australia in October to ´celebrate the launch of their new fashion, lifestyle and entertainment range.´ more news when available. אז הקו אופנה מגיע גם לאוסטרליה! אם הבנתי נכון.... 2.The world presents each fad and tries to give off the image of being ´cool´ for the person to take part in the latest marketing scheme. The Olsen twins have been around for many years and have gathered a following by many impressionable young girls. The problem is that the Olsen twins are terrible role models for the Christian. They represent evil and worldliness in all they do. Yet many professing Christian young people follow these two girls as their "fan" or role model. In this short tract we will look at what the Olsen twins stand for in light of the Word of God. We will conclude with thoughts for children who follow these girls and their parents who allow this foolishness. When compared with the standards from the Bible, the Olsen twins prove to be very bad role models for the Christian. There are great role models for lost, perishing, Christ rejecting young people and are very popular with that crowd. However, should the Christian lower standards so low to participate? The easiest way to see what these two girls are about is to go to their web site. The first thing that caught my eye was the availability of the daily horoscope for people to read. Not much needs to be said about the occult practice of astrology here. It is an abomination to God and the Scriptures condemn this activity. Astrology is a terrible influence to Christian young people! Yoga has its roots in Eastern mysticism. It is based on the occult philosophy where yin and yan must be balanced to create harmony in the body and soul. On their website the Olsen twins promote this form of occultism to their followers. Here is a copy of a public letter to their fans: Monday, April 15, 2002 Hi Everyone! There´s been so much going on lately! Just like you guys, we were so excited about spring break, which was great chance to catch up with all our friends and go to the movies with our boyfriends. The time off gave Mary-Kate a chance to ride her horses and both of us got in a lot of yoga. Then there was Easter, which we spent with our family... and suddenly it was time to prepare for our new movie shoot in Europe! We´ve got to run, but there´s going to be tons about our European vacation in a few weeks right here on So keep logging on! Love, Mary-Kate and Ashley * * * * * As you can see by reading the above, the Olsen twins like and promote yoga. This is not a good influence to Christian young people! The Olsen twins dress in a worldly way with clothes that does not encourage Biblical modesty. To put it simply, their revealing sleeveless tops, low cut tops, and belly revealing shirts do not promote Godly dress. Naturally the world of lost people care little about these things. But, Christians should be concerned about immoral dress. The twins even have a line of clothes where these type of clothes can be purchased in stores. This way their followers can imitate the same immoral dress modeled by the Olsen twins. Christian parents should be very concerned about how their children are influenced in dress and appearance. The Olsen twins love and promote rock music. Rock music does not come by itself. It is always a package deal which includes: rebellion, drugs, immorality, the occult, and blasphemy. Is is good for Christian children to be influenced to follow the latest rock and roll groups? I would say no! Here is a thought. You show me a family that lets their children be a follower of the Olsen twins and I´ll show you some young people who like rock and roll! These people will get into the Brittney Spears or the Backstreet Boys or whatever the latest fad rock groups are available. The Olsen twins are boy crazy. The themes of their movies and games are boys and crushes etc. Again there is an issue with immorality and a wrong attitude of ´chasing´ boys. The Olsen twins are literally a marketing ploy to create a large following of young children between the ages of 4-13. The goal is to create a money making fad using these two girls. There are movies, games, a magazine, clothes with their names, posters, and other junk trinkets for sale. The very sad thing about this whole issue with the Olsen twins is that Christian parents condone this evil and worldly influence to their children! TO THE YOUNG PEOPLE OBSESSED BY THE OLSEN TWINS Young person do you call yourself a Christian? If so then are you a follower of the Olsen twins? If you claim to be a Christian and a follower of the Lord Jesus then why do you accept such a worldly and a bad influence into your life? Words mean something but actions really show where a person stands. A young person who is also a follower of the Olsen twins and allows this evil influence into their life has a love problem. They really do not love God. Yes it is one thing to say: "I love God" and "I am a Christian" However, to accept and defend such an evil influences as the Olsen twins should make a person do some soul searching. Is the Lord Jesus really your Lord and Saviour? Are you really saved and committed to the Lord Jesus? Do you seek to please the Lord with your life? Young person you need to think about these things! Parents have a responsibility and calling before the Lord to raise a Godly seed. This means parents should have a goal of creating a home where the Lord is honored and children can grow up and hopefully accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour when they come of age. An evil influence like the Olsen twins creates a environment at home where the children will be led astray. As children get obsessed with rock and roll and their teen idols, they will develop hard hearts to the things of God. If you love the Lord and want to raise a Godly seed, then why do you allow such evil into your home? Do you really want the influence of the demonic to lead your children away from God? We are living in the last days before the Lord Jesus returns. These days will be filled with many who no longer have a heart for sound All parents and professing Christian young people who reject this warning and choose to continue with the evil influences of the Olsen twins, are in rebellion to God. It really does not take much discernment to see that the lifestyle and image the Olsen twins project is not from God. The Olsen twins are a perfect role model for the lost and perishing. But they are a terrible role model for the Christian who wants to grow and follow the Lord Jesus! Make your choice today as to who you will follow. The choice is between the Lord and the worldly and evil influence of the Olsen twins אני יודעת שאנחנו לא נוצרים.. אבל סתם היה מסקרן לקרוא. אתם מאמינים לזה?