שרשור בדיחות להעלאת מצב הרוח


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שרשור בדיחות להעלאת מצב הרוח

The teacher asks Little Johnny a math question. "If there are three blackbirds sitting on a wire and you shoot one, how many will be left?" Johnny replies, "There wouldn´t be none left." The teacher says, "No,there would be two left." Johnny replies, "No Ma´am, cause if you shoot one, the others will fly away." The teacher is shocked at his logic. "I like the way you think," she praises him. Johnny asks if he can ask her a question. "Three ladies are sitting on a park bench.One is eating an apple,one is eating a pear and one is eating a banana. Which one is married? The teacher thinks for a minute, blushes and replies, "I guess....the one with the banana." "No, teacher, it´s the one with the wedding ring, but.. ..........I like the way you think."


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עוד שתיים שהרגע שמעתי

A chicken and a egg are lying in bed. The chicken is smoking a cigarette with a satisfied grin on his face. The egg is frowning and looking very frustrated. The egg mutters, to no one in particular, "Well, I guess we answered THAT question."
Little Johnny walks up the steps of his grandpa´s house. He looks over and sees his old grandpa sitting in the rocking chair in only a t-shirt. "Grandpa? Why are you sittin´ nekkid on the front porch in the middle of the day?" he giggled. His grandpa looked at the little boy and replied, "The other day, I sat out here without my shirt and I got a stiff neck. Wouldn´t go away for 3 days. This is your grandma´s idea."