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היי לכולם טוב אז ככה, אני צריכה כתבה באנגלית על סוסים: נושא ספציפי: אין ,לא משנה לי על מה! רמה: כיתות ד-ו אפילו ז' ח' אבל לא יותר מזה! למתי:עוד שבוע גג בבקשה תעזרו לי זה לבצפר! מציפים אותנו בעבודות! תודה מראש קורל
נ.ב אני יודעת שיתחילו להציף אותי בהודעות "למה לא הסתכלת בשימת השירשורים שלנו?" וכדומה אז רק שתדעו שאני לא יודעת איך מי שיוכל להסביר לי אני מאוד אשמך
שרשור כללי../images/Emo207.gif../images/Emo32.gif../images/Emo35.gif../images/Emo70.gif../images/Emo91.gif

בבקשה לשרשר לכאן את כל ההודעות הבאות: אוף טופיק
- שאינן קשורות לנשוא הפורום נצל"ש
- שאינן מצדיקות פתיחת הודעה חדשה שאלות קטנות
- שיש להן תשובות קצרות יחסית כמו איפה יש חנות או חווה וכו'
תודה רבה,
אירוחי היום ב../images/Emo43.gif אנשים

´רפואה ספחירית´? מה זה? לינוי הופמן, מטפלת בטכניקה ייחודית המשלבת הומיאופתיה קלאסית עם תחום ייחודי הקרוי ´רפואה ספחירית", המבוססת על ידע עתיק ופילוסופיה מרתקת תתארח במהלך היום בפורום הריון ולידה-תמיכה בואו לשאול אותה שאלות על השיטה המסקרנת: http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=110&msgid=110495466
ועוד אירוח במסגרת פרוייקט תושבים מתארחים: הערב בשעה 18:00 בפורום כפר סבא תתארח מרים שנפיק, עוסקת באימון אישי (coaching) ותענה לשאלות גולשים בנושא. באימון אישי (coaching). שרשרו שאלותיכם: http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=594&msgid=110469277
הורים, הגיע הזמן ללמוד לדבר ניסיתם לדבר בשקט, עברתם לצעקות וסיימתם באיומים ועונשים
אם התרחיש הזה נראה לכם מוכר, יתכן שאתם זקוקים לשיעורים בתקשורת יעילה יותר עם ילדיכם. מירי קובלסקי, מטפלת זוגית ומשפחתית מת.ל.מ, מגיעה לעזור ותשיב לשאלותיכם החל משעה 21.00: http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=149&msgid=110500373
ד"ר סובחי, סגן מנהל חטיבה כירורגית ב' ומנהל תחום הטיפול הכירורגי בהשמנת יתר במרכז הרפואי על שם סוראסקי יתארח מחר החל משעה 13.00 בפורום קיצורי קיבה: אתם מוזמנים לשרשר את שאלותיכם: http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=19&msgid=110469778
תמיד רציתם לתת מקום של כבוד ליצירות שלכם? זו ההזדמנות לקבל ספר צילומים אישי מבית לופה מעוצב בדרך שלכם וכרוך בכריכה קשה. אתם מוזמנים להשתתף בתחרויות בפורומים הבאים: תחרות סדנה מצולמת בפורום אוכל חלבי http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=771&msgid=110500248 תחרות החופשה שלי בעולם בפורום טיולים וחופשות בחול: http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=229&msgid=110500894 תחרות סדרת צילום בפורום צילום אמנות הצילום: http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=215&msgid=110500531
מסכמים את שנת 2007 בפורום ציטוטים ופתגמים- ספרו לנו איזה פתגם/ציטוט עשה לכם את השנה, או כיתבו משפט מקורי משלכם לרגל תחילת שנה אזרחית חדשה, ותוכלו לזכות בפרס! http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=1900&msgid=110467112
רוצים לקבל את הסינגל החדש של שירי מימון? השתתפו בפעילות בפורום פופ ישראלי ואולי תזכו: http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=1768&msgid=110466209
מחממים להם את החורף פרוייקט 'צעיף מחמם לקשיש' של פורום סריגה מזמין אתכם להצטרף ולסרוג צעיף למען קשישי הצפון. בואו לעשות להם את הפורום חמים ונעים: http://www.tapuz.co.il/tapuzforum/main/Viewmsg.asp?forum=1472&msgid=110237379
חייבים לעדכן את סל התרופות בעוד 500 מליון ש"ח - מחר זה יכול להציל את החיים שלך "חברים להגדלת סל התרופות" עצומה להצלת חיים - כנסו וחתמו http://www.haverim.org.il/life2008

MAYA 4827

New member
סתם משו נחמד..

לא הכול נכון ממש וזה באנגלית אבל יש כמה מצחיקים.. שווה לקרוא (וזה מציק שזה לא מתחיל מצד שמאל אבל לא הצלחתי..) 1. You can shop for hours for your horse but hate going to the mall. 2. A new delivery of hay or shavings makes you jump for joy. 3. You truly appreciate a freshly-worked arena, clean tack, and a horse's bright, white sock. 4. The smell of ammonia makes you nostalgic (which is pretty sad, come to think of it). 5. You could name most (if not all) of USEF's tests #1-19 off the top of your head. 6. As a child, you exhausted your elementary school's supply of horse-related books. 7. You have scars and muscles that you could have only gotten while riding and working with horses. 8. Your bedroom is trashed, but your cubby/locker at the barn is spotless. 9. You feel pretty "at home" in hotels and back seats of cars on the way to horse shows. 10. You have had many people complain to you about the smell of your car/clothes/living space. 11. When undressing (for instance, to shower), you leave your entire bathroom floor covered in dirt, hay, etc. 12. You see certain types of clothing or other items and can recognize that they were developed from something used by horses and riders. 13. You have forgotten that your helmet or spurs are still on and walked into a grocery or clothing store. Or done so on purpose because you didn't really care. As suggested by others (so that I don't take the credit for such good examples)... 14. You have said, loudly, that you love your GPA, and although you know that this doesn't stand for "grade point average," not everyone around you does. 15. You have critiqued every detail of every horse movie ever made to the extreme annoyance of almost everyone around you. 16. Your dog knows the classic dog commands, but also some horse-related ones as well, such as half-halting, clucking, and "whoa." On the same note, you often cluck to your friends and/or family members when they're not moving fast enough. 17. Instead of the traditional "hat hair," you prefer to call it "helmet hair." 18. You love the smell of horses. In fact it is comforting, and much more pleasant that many other smells. 19. You would rather clean your horse's stall (or a barnfull of them) than your own room. 20. You have a set of clothes for "barn" and you have a set of clothes for "other stuff." The "barn" clothes are more accessible in your closet. 21. Some laundry loads in your household are designated as "barn clothes" loads, so as not to "contaminate" the rest of the laundry. Yeah right. Contaminate. Ha. You're simply giving the other clothes a "unique and desired" smell. 22. It's okay to spend $500+ for a show outfit, but suddenly it isn't okay to buy a $5.00 lunch. 23. You save money, but only because there's a horse show or other activity next month. 24. Tack stores (at horse shows and at home) know more about your personal life than some friends and relatives. And have complete access to your address and credit card number. 25. Getting up at 5:00 A.M. to go to a horse show doesn't seem as hard as getting up at 7:00 to go to school 26. You spend all 24 hours of your school's Relay for Life walk "loping" and "piaffing" and "extended cantering" and "pony trotting" and "equitating" around the school 27. You complain about aching after gym class, but will never voice your back pain from the ride the previous day. 28. One of the first things in your profile is "I LOVE HORSES!" or something to that effect. 29. If at any time in your life, you set up jumps in the backyard and walked the course. And then held a "horse" show with hunter classes and eq classes. It was always important that you pointed your toes and lifted your knees up as high as possible when jumping. 30. Instead of skipping, you "canter". 31. You find yourself drumming horse gaits with your fingers. Same note: you sometimes count strides between telephone poles and lines on the road when driving. 32. Your Breyer horse collection is larger than your book collection. 33. You prefer one horsepower to 200. 34. You are afraid of getting your license, but speeding along on the back of a 1,000lb animal is nothing. 35. You can't draw anything at all....except for a horse 36. You take someone’s temperature and think 102°F is relatively normal. 37. You try to explain things that happened at the barn to your friends at school and they don't understand at all. 38. You sometimes like to talk about the studs you screwed yesterday (granted they were just into a horse's shoe...) 39. You're the only person at school that REALLY knows how to use boot polish 40. Some people go through caffeine withdrawls, but you go through 'horse withdrawls.' During these times of agony, which occur weeks, days, or even hours after leaving your horses and barn, you talk to your friends non-stop using any story involving your four-legged friend that pops into your head. 41. You have more horse show/barn friends then you do school friends because you're at the barn or at a show more often 42. You spend hours grooming your horse, but you won't spend 2 minutes in front of the mirror! 43. You can't remember the names of anyone you see in the hallways at school, but you can name every horse at a horse show 44. You know all of your horses' bloodlines but you can't remember any of your relatives 45. You royally piss people off by constantly referring to your pony as sexy, buff, hot, etc. 46. You meet another rider and immediately try to one-up each other on the amazing antics of your horse 47. You sneeze once and you stay home from work/school, but you still go to the barn to clean stalls as long as you are physically able to walk. 48. You brush off any of your own minor injuries, such as a tweeked ankle or sore muscles, but if your horse has the slightest inkling of an injury, it's rest time. 49. A stubbed toe will keep you out of gym class, but you can still ride with a broken leg!

MAYA 4827

New member
הכותרת זה:You know you're a horse rider when.

**הזכויות שמורות לפייס בוק 50. You find yourself clucking to the car to make it go faster and saying whoa when you want it to stop.. 51. Your horse gets new shoes more often than you do 52. The only pictures you have of yourself are on a horse 53. You won't get up 5 minutes earlier to do your hair, but you'll get to the horse show an hour and a half earlier to braid your horse 54. Your boyfriend is jealous of your horse. 55. You think bringing your boyfriend to the barn to bath your horse is a romantic date. 56. You tell your friends about your ride last night and they think you are talking about some new boyfriend, but you don't correct them because its just so funny. 57. Your boyfriend or girlfriend is jealous of how many kisses on the nose your horse gets. 58. Some of the spanish barn workers have offered to teach you spanish because you are there so much. 59. You would ride your bike, you would act like it was a horse. 60. You have no idea how to keep in shape without riding horses, and would rather ride 5 horses a day than work out in a gym. 61. To stop your car, you pull back on the steering wheel instead of using the brakes. 62. You can read a jump pattern and equitation/horsmanship in about one reading, but when it comes to science labs and questions on school work, you have to read them over and over again until they register. 63. You cancel your own birthday party to go to a horse show. 64. You talk about having a baby and people give you a really strange look and say, I didn't know you were pregnant. Oops, it's the four legged kind. 65. You use horse products for yourself (shampoo) because you can only afford one or the other and you know shampoo for humans is not recommended for horses. (Or, if you simply wanted to see if it would work on your hair.) 66. You don't think that weather is just casual conversation. It is very important so that you can figure out your horse's wardrobe for the day/night. 67. You write a paper for school, and then end up having to go back an re-write half of it because you have to take out the "horse terms" and put in "normal words" that your teacher and classmates would understand. 68. The sound of your keys on your key ring is comforting because it sounds like the buckles and metal on your tack. 69. Your breezeway/mud room has hay & crud all over the floor, a saddle on a rack along the wall, misc. tack hanging from the chairs, muddy boots & gloves, etc. lying about. Someone's coming to visit. You don't care. 70. The only thing your friends, colleagues, passing acquaintances can think of when they see you is "How are the horses?" or "How many horses do you have now?" or "Are you still riding?" 71. You take your notes to the barn and study for midterms while brushing your horse and when you see Tracey brushing her horse and studying for midterms, and you just nod to yourself: "of course." 72. The concept of sleeping in on the weekends has long since faded from your memory. 73. After you just got stepped on, and a non-horse person asks you if you are alright, and you say "what"? not realizing what they are talking about. 74. You are unreasonably pleased to get a horse item, ANY horse item, as a gift. "They really cared!!!" 75. You rant and rave all day about something "unrealistic" in any movie that has only one horse in it, and are so distracted and upset by whatever was wrong, you fail to understand what the rest of the movie was about. 76. You get frustrated that your vehicle will not bend around curves/turns in the road, and you attempt to go faster by clucking and "driving" into the seat with your butt. 77. You often find yourself twitching your wrist when something needs to go faster, because you are used to having a whip in that hand. 78. You can't sleep at night because your thoughts are swarming of horses. 79. You get the fluttery fun feeling in your stomach because you know you are going to the barn after school 80. You stamp your foot and kick out backwards when something makes you angry 81. You wish you could lay an ear back to get someone to backoff 82. You love to hear the noise of shod hooves on concrete 83. You talk about a pleasure class at a show and people give you weird looks and/or comment about how dirty that sounds 84. You plan your weekend around what time you and your friends are going to be at the barn 85. You cant count how many showers you've had that week because its definitely more than seven. 86. The pictures on your facebook talk about how cute/amazing/ talented/generally spectacular your horse is. even if the picture is of an inanimate object. 87. You memorize vocabulary words for a foreign language by writing them along the dotted line of your eq pattern from the last horse show 88. Teachers give out a project for which you can pick your own topic and people don't even ask what yours is about because they know it has to do with horses 89. You get a project like that, do it about horses, and write the 15 page paper off the top of your head even though its supposed to be a research paper 90. Your dog neck reins with his leash; or, if you've ever set up jumps in your living room and had your dog jump the "course" 91. You lose track of time and end up staying at the barn for hours and hours, but sitting through 50 min of class or a few hours of work seems like torture 92. You're at a show party, and will stay up till 6am even if you have to ride the next day, but if you're out with "normal" friends you leave at midnight because you have to ride the next day... 93. When anyone gives you a piggyback ride, you automatically start squeezing with your calves and end up jabbing them good with your heel when they don't immediately rise up into the canter.

MAYA 4827

New member
זה ארוך

94. You wash polos/wraps/saddle pads in the washer at home everyone gets mad about the horse hair on their clothes and you don't understand why 95. You spend more money on horseshoes than you do on your own shoes 96. You laugh, it sounds like a horse whinnying 97. You hate to shovel snow off your driveway, but mucking out stalls is no problem 98. The barn is home and your house is a long vacation. 99. Your boyfriend or girlfriend is jealous of how much time you spend with your horse instead of them. 100. The smell of DMSO makes you feel nostalgic 101. You know what DMSO is. 102. You get home and every one leaves the room that you have just entered 103. You try to get your dog to move out of the way by clucking to him/her and trying to kick with your heels 104. It doesn't matter what kind of day your having...You go to the barn to see your horse and EVERYTHING is better 105. You miss school so often for horse shows that when you finally go back you can give yourself the lecture that the truancy officer is about to give you as soon as you walk into the office. 106. Your regular friends stop asking you to do things with them after school and on the weekends because they know that if you don't have major family obligations (or even if you do) you're going to be at the barn or a show 107. You're planning your wedding, you try to figure out how you can incorporate your horse into it. 108. Your car is broken or your parents have both so you don't go to work but you readily hop on your bike and ride it 60km to take care of your lame horse for that whole week 109. You tag your horse in your Facebook photos 110. You give your horse a drink of your gatorade and then drink after him and wonder why people are looking at you funny. 111. You talk about how sore you were the next day after riding for 9 hours (for us endurance racers), and how great he was in the water - such a champ because that was his first time, how after an hour or so he leveled out and was a really smooth ride, and when we finally finished he pulsed down amazingly fast...and you wonder why people look at you all goggle eyed and speechless. 112. You love dressage because it's the only sport where you can say 'piaffe' to the judge..." (anon) 113. You know your vet and his/her family by first name, but have trouble remembering who your own doctor is. 114. The smell of a burning hoof (during a hotfit) makes you feel nostalgic 115. You cut class to go stand with your horse while he's being shod. 116. YOU FALL OFF BUT YOU GET RIGHT BACK ON!!! 117. You have a pair of work boots in your tack box, car, garage, basement and bedroom and when asked why, you simply reply, "What, don't you?" 118. You think of jumping courses during history class because you don't really care about who won WWII, you just want to work on your distances 119. You send or receive a birth announcement for a foal 120. You get sick and tired of explaining such simple and obvious concepts such as: ponies are NOT baby horses; all riders do NOT listen to country music; and YES it is a sport 121. You call the farrier, vet, or barn owner more than your friends 122. Phenylbutazone (bute) isn't even hard to spell 123. You have alternate meanings for the words: green, hunter, english, western, cross country (jumping vs. running), lame, tack, lead, diagonal, standard, and vertical 124. You hurt your foot and don't know what's wrong with it and you rest it a few days ( not even bothering to go to a doctor to see what you did to it), but you're a basket case until you know what's causing your horse's slight head-bob limp. 125. You forget your significant other's birthday, but you throw a baby shower for your friend whose mare is expecting. Then the following year you forget your significant other's birthday again and throw the foal its first birthday party. 126. You are totally scandalized when your friends/family/significant other fails to get your horse a Christmas/birthday present. I mean, not even a carrot?!?! 127. You'd much rather watch a mare give birth than go out to a romantic dinner with your significant other 128. You tell your significant other when you started dating that your horse is your real man/woman. After awhile, said significant other accepts this. 129. You disregard whether your parents approve of your new significant other, but seriously reconsider being with the person if your horse doesn't like them. 130. When you're in a boring class, or having a slow day at work you try to calculate in your head how much money you would save on bills if you married a vet or farrier. 131. You tell your friends that you are going to compete in "cross country" they think that you are going to be running 132. You buy toy horses that look like your real ones, down to the markings. 133. You will memorize your association's rulebook, but decide that memorizing for a test at school is not worth your time. 134. You were younger you would look through the sears or jcpenny catalog for christmas presents and only mark things that were horse related. 135. You are listening to music you think of how your horse's strides match to it 136. You have more saddle pads than skirts 137. Putting on polo wraps is a breeze, but changing a tire escapes you 138. On vacation, you stumble across a horse show, and of course, MUST watch the Grand Prix showjumping. 139. You don't take a vacation- instead, you ride in the horse show. 140. You cringe at a $20 t-shirt, but don't hesitate to buy $80 protective boots for your horse 141. Your curtain rods are obscured by ribbons from various horse shows, and your bookshelves house trophies. 142. As a child, you didn't read Goosebumps or Nancy Drew (except the ones with the horses on the cover)- you read Saddle Club and Black Beauty. 143. You exhausted the supply of horse books not only at your elementary school library, but also at the public library and the local bookstore 144. You get your driver's license for the sole reason that you can go to the barn whenever you want 145. Your favorite magical creatures in the Harry Potter books are the Hippogriffs, unicorns, Abraxan Horses (the giant horses the Beauxbatons students arrive with) and Thestrals. 146. You learn geography by which breeds come from which country

MAYA 4827

New member
זהו אחרון

147. Your spanish teacher is very excited to tell you that her daughter has started riding lessons 148. While all your school friends are earning $15/hour lifeguarding, you take a working student position at a small dressage barn, working way harder than they do, for no pay at all- just riding lessons. 149. You'd rather go to a natural horsemanship clinic than a concert 150. You had an ongoing argument with a non-horsey friend that riding actually is a sport and does require muscles- which was resolved when you made said friend ride bareback for an hour. 151. Your friends binders and lockers are covered with pictures of movies stars and friends- yours are plastered with photos of your pony, your pony jumping, your pony in the pasture, you are your pony on the trail... and maybe your favorite USET member 152. You know what USET is. 153. You have $150 show breeches, but your prom dress was $30 on the Clearance rack 154. You love windy days because your lazy pony is finally frisky 155. Or...you hate them because your skittish thoroughbred is a basket case 156. You carry an extra hoofpick in your purse... you never know when you'll need it! 157. The most important features on your new digital camera are the sport mode setting with burst/continuous shooting, so you can assess your form at each phase of the jump. 158. You subscribe to Practical Horseman, not Teen People 159. You get more tack catalogs in the mail than you do clothes catalogs 160. You pour over every tack catalog in the hopes that there will be some new item or great bargain, while tossing the clothes catalogs straight into the recycling. 161. In your camera phone, you have more pictures of your horse than of your friends 162. You wonder if that lady realizes that that symbol on her purse is a single-jointed eggbutt snaffle 163. You can say "eggbutt snaffle" with a straight face 164. You spend lunchtime wondering if the horse you lease would go better in a low-port kimberwicke than in the jointed pelham with bit connecters he's in now. 165. Your classmates are saving up for a car- you are saving up for that beautiful HDR jumping saddle 166. You write $100-$300 checks on a regular basis- checks to the vet, the farrier, the boarding facility, your trainer, the owner of the horse you lease.... 167. More than half the Facebook groups you are a member of are horse-related 168. At Christmastime, your horse has a stocking too


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וואו זה חזקקק

אין זה כזה גאונייייי חחחחחח כל אחד ואחד נכון!

MAYA 4827

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חח כהה זה אמר לי שאת הצתרפת לקבוצה

חחח ואז נכנסתי.. אז זה בגללך!

RoNy S

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למישהו יש אולי

וידאו של הקפיצה לגובה שהיה בתל מונד שטלי קפצה 190 עם אוניקס?