בעיקרון בלינק למעלה תמצאו מספר התייחסיות להודעה. גם התייחסויות הזדהות וסימפטיה. תיגשו ל MESSAGES בצד שמאל. ואח"כ לדף הקודם, קישור בצד ימין למעלה. הינה שתי הודעות "נבחרות":
1. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/nosurgery4clubfoot/message/35474 Idit, I'm sorry that I missed this the first time that you posted. During my pregnancy with Owen when I had a routine ultrasound (the clubfoot was NOT detected!), the doctor detected a calcium deposit in one of the heart chambers - is this the same thing that you are talking about? I was told that the calcium deposit wasn't conclusive but that it was a 'soft marker' for downs syndrome. I was offered an amnio, which would have been conclusive, but I turned it down. Instead I did some research on the internet and found that many doctors argue over the fact of whether or not it actually is a 'soft marker'. Some doctors argue that the calcium deposit may be present in 7 out of 10 pregnancies but that only high quality ultrasound equipment is able to detect them. In our case, I had already had an early screening for downs syndrome at 11 weeks (which came back negative) and the maternal syrum testing (at 16 weeks) had come back normal. Owen was born with clubfoot (a surprise to us) but otherwise perfectly healthy. I hope this helps, Daiga and Owen, 02/04/03 Unilateral LCF, FAB 14/7 2. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/nosurgery4clubfoot/message/35475 Did the doctor say where the clacification was? I did some research too, and found that it all depends on where it is. There are so many explanations out there, the severity is definitely in question. Some research I saw said it may be a sign of downs-syndrom, others said it could be related to the heart, and there were other countless ways it could impact the baby, some severe, and some seemingly insignificant. That said, I do have a perspective on this....two anecdotes really. A person in my office the other day was just telling me about a friend of theirs who was told they may want to abort their child because the doctors said the baby would be severely handicapped. After the baby was born, there were developmental issues, but the child is functioning relatively normally, is incredibly happy, and a joy to their parents. My husband works with developmentally disabled adults and has worked with some of the most severely disabled (mentally and physically) that I've encountered. All have unique personalities and he can find something special and enlightening in all of them - even those that don't speak or sign. I know it it is a tough thing to contemplate, but if the doctors can't explain what exactly is wrong, it is really tough to give an opinion. Especially at 32 weeks! My son was born at 33 1/2 weeks and it is unfathomable to think of a doctor suggesting a week and a half before his birth that I terminate the pregnancy. He had bilateral clubfoot, and that was it! I would highly suggest that the parents do as much research as possible and find out if the main reason for the suggestion is the clubfoot, or what exactly the calcification means. If it is just the clubfoot, well, clubfoot is so easy to treat relative to the multitude of other things out there. And if treated properly, the child will have little to no side-effects into adulthood. --- In
[email protected], "Scott and Jen" <consider@a...> wrote: > I'm wondering about calcification also? I certainly hope that the doctors are not telling her to abort at 32 weeks because of clubfoot. That is just absurd. I'm not sure what calcification is? I did a quick search on the internet, but I don't see anything that is alarming enough to abort an unborn child. What are her doctors telling her this means? > > Sorry I can't help more, but I hope that they find some guidance in their decision. > > Jen & Livie