Charmed 4ever.
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שרשור פרק 5X06 ../images/Emo54.gif|מיוחדת|
Please Press One - נא להקיש אחת. תקציר באנגלית מהאתר סליידרס.נט: When Maggie tries to purchase a candy bar from a vending machine she is instantly spirited away by a sinister driverless truck. Rembrandt, Mallory and Diana soon learn that they are on a world where everything is provided for you as long as you live within a system of corporate rules and, of course, have an assigned number. But Maggie doesn't have a number and consequently has been incarcerated by Data Universal, the governing corporation on this world. Now she has to pay the price. Her sentence is to be processed and mainstreamed into a society of lemmings. Their sole purpose is to work just so they can purchase products manufactured by Data Universal, whether they need them or not. Meanwhile, Remmy, Mallory and Diana have enlisted the aid of Arlo, a former DU sales rep who has managed to live outside the system. Can the others rescue Maggie before she becomes just another number? Or worse, a deleted file discarded into the Data Universal shredder? אני לא מתרגמת בגלל שהפרק הראשון התחיל ואני רוצה לצפות בו. לכן פשוט נראה את הפרק. כתבו כל מה שבא לכם על הפרק לפניו או לאחריו.
Please Press One - נא להקיש אחת. תקציר באנגלית מהאתר סליידרס.נט: When Maggie tries to purchase a candy bar from a vending machine she is instantly spirited away by a sinister driverless truck. Rembrandt, Mallory and Diana soon learn that they are on a world where everything is provided for you as long as you live within a system of corporate rules and, of course, have an assigned number. But Maggie doesn't have a number and consequently has been incarcerated by Data Universal, the governing corporation on this world. Now she has to pay the price. Her sentence is to be processed and mainstreamed into a society of lemmings. Their sole purpose is to work just so they can purchase products manufactured by Data Universal, whether they need them or not. Meanwhile, Remmy, Mallory and Diana have enlisted the aid of Arlo, a former DU sales rep who has managed to live outside the system. Can the others rescue Maggie before she becomes just another number? Or worse, a deleted file discarded into the Data Universal shredder? אני לא מתרגמת בגלל שהפרק הראשון התחיל ואני רוצה לצפות בו. לכן פשוט נראה את הפרק. כתבו כל מה שבא לכם על הפרק לפניו או לאחריו.