שרשור ציטוטי האוס! (וספויילר קטנטן)

שרשור ציטוטי האוס! (וספויילר קטנטן)

יש לי ציטוט שהוא ספויילר פצפון לפרק מהעונה השניה, אז מי שפחדן שידלג הלאה.. האוס נכנס למשרד של קאדי ואומר לה - זה עדיין לא חוקי לבצע נתיחה שלאחר המוות בפציינט חי? קאדי: אתה מסטול? האוס: אם זה יום שלישי, אני שיכור קאדי: היום יום רביעי קרע אותי.


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משובח! אחחח, אני מתה על האוס!


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רעיון מעולה :)

Chris Dewey: [trying to tell an uninterested House a patient's history] You're reading a comic book. Dr. Gregory House: And you're drawing attention to your bosom by wearing a low-cut top. [she covers her chest with her clipboard] Dr. Gregory House: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were having a "state-the-obvious" contest. I'm competitive by nature.
הנה אחד טוב -

Wilson: That smugness of yours really is an attractive quality. House: Thank you. It was either that or get my hair highlighted. Smugness is easier to maintain.

pink panther 8

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הנה אחד שכולם אוהבים על בטוחח

Dr. Gregory House: [to the crowd in the walk-in clinic's waiting area] Hello, sick people and their loved ones! In the interest of saving time and avoiding a lot of boring chitchat later, I'm Doctor Gregory House; you can call me "Greg." I'm one of three doctors staffing this clinic this morning. Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Short, sweet, grab a file. Dr. Gregory House: This ray of sunshine is Doctor Lisa Cuddy. Doctor Cuddy runs this whole hospital, so unfortunately she's much too busy to deal with you. I am a board... certified diagnostician with a double specialty of infectious disease and nephrology. I am also the only doctor currently employed at this hospital who is forced to be here against his will. [to Lisa] Dr. Gregory House: That is true, isn't it? [to crowd] Dr. Gregory House: But not to worry, because for most of you, this job could be done by a monkey with a bottle of Motrin. Speaking of which, if you're particularly annoying, you may see me reach for this: this is Vicodin. It's mine! You can't have any! And no, I do not have a pain management problem, I have a pain problem... but who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm too stoned to tell. So, who wants me? [nobody moves] Dr. Gregory House: And who would rather wait for one of the other two guys? [everybody raises their hand] Dr. Gregory House: Okay, well, I'll be in Exam Room One if you change your mind. Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Jody Matthews? [Jody raises her hand] Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Please accompany Doctor House to Exam Room One.

pink panther 8

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ציטוט של סצינה בין האוס לקמרון....

אהבתי לאלללללההההה תראו לא להתייאש זה מעט ארוך שווה את המאמץ!! Dr. Cameron: Why did you hire me? Dr. Gregory House: Does it matter? Dr. Cameron: Kind of hard to work for a guy who doesn't respect you. Dr. Gregory House: Why? Dr. Cameron: Is that rhetorical? Dr. Gregory House: No, it just seems that way because you can't think of an answer. Does it make a difference what I think? I'm a jerk. The only thing that matters is what you think. Can you do the job? Dr. Cameron: You hired a black guy because he had a juvenile record. Dr. Gregory House: No, it wasn't a racial thing. I didn't see a black guy, I just saw a doctor with a juvenile record. I hired Chase 'cause his dad made a phone call. And I hired you because you are extremely pretty. Dr. Cameron: You hired me to get into my pants? Dr. Gregory House: I can't believe that that would shock you. It's also not what I said. No, I hired you because you look good. It's like having a nice piece of art in the lobby. Dr. Cameron: I was at the top of my class! Dr. Gregory House: But not *the* top. Dr. Cameron: I did an internship at the Mayo Clinic! Dr. Gregory House: You were a very good applicant. Dr. Cameron: But not the best. Dr. Gregory House: Would that upset you, really, to think that you were hired for some genetic gift of beauty instead of some genetic gift of intelligence? Dr. Cameron: I worked very hard to get where I am! Dr. Gregory House: You didn't have to. People choose the paths that gain them the greatest rewards for the least amount of effort. That's a law of nature, and you defied it. That's why I hired you. You could've married rich, you could've been a model, you could've just shown up and people would've given you stuff - lots of stuff - but you didn't. You worked your stunning little ass off. Dr. Cameron: Am I supposed to be flattered? Dr. Gregory House: Gorgeous women do not go to medical school... unless they are as damaged as they are beautiful. Were you abused by a family member? Dr. Cameron: No! Dr. Gregory House: Sexually assaulted? Dr. Cameron: No! Dr. Gregory House: But you *are* damaged, aren't you?


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הרג אותי!!!

בפרק האחרון שקמרון אמרה לפורמן :כמה מכוניות גנבת לאחרונה? והוא הסתכל עליה כאילו היא משוגעת אז היא אמרה: מה, אני מנסה להיות האוס, זה אמור להיות מצחיק.... חחחחחחחחחח

blue skies

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זה טיפה קשה כי...

נו אתם יודעים בעצם מה שתצטרכו לעשות זה להעתיק פה כל דבר שיצא מהפה שלו בסדרה. ונראה לי שאת המשפט הזה שמעתי בעונה הראשונה גם או שאולי זה היה משהו דומה