תורם זרע אמריקאי עונה לשאלה בפורום


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תורם זרע אמריקאי עונה לשאלה בפורום

משהו מעניין שקראתי.תורם זרע אמריקאי (בשיטה הפתוחה,ללא תיווך של קליניקה) מספר איך השיג שישה הריונות בתוך חודשיים בזמן שבדיקת זרע שעשה איבחנה ספירת זרע נמוכה.זה מה שהוא כותב כתשובה למישהי ששאלה בפורום אם אפשר להכנס להריון עם ספירת זרע נמוכה וביקשה סיפורי הצלחה.

The semen analysis tests are only a rough guide. Sperm Count, Motility, Normal Forms etc. these can all be sub-par and you can still conceive. Fertility is compromised yes, but only going by averages. Everyone works differently. 100 million dumb sperm swimming around in circles (low motility) won't hit anything, whereas 100 super sperm. One of those super sperm might just hit the target.

Semen analysis varies radically from test to test, even with someone considered very fertile. A year ago, I did a semen test, later on that day my first recipient (I'm a sperm donor) texted me to tell me she was pregnant. Two weeks later (and another BFP from the 2nd recipient), I get the semen analysis report back, telling me my sperm count was below 20 Million/ml, and they wrote oligozoospermic, After a few more weeks and I ended up with a total of 6 pregnancies. Not bad for someone that the doctors would've labeled as needing fertility treatment themselves.

Anyway, the point I'm making is that unless your partner has been analysed as having ZERO sperm. There is always a chance. By either adjusting your diet/healthy life style. Or simply keep trying.

I personally think that changing things up in the bedroom department (different positions, role play, etc.) can have more success than trying to do everything perfect ("perfect" timing, no alcohol/smoking, good night's sleep etc. etc.).

There is a science to conception, but I don't believe scientists understand the science entirely.

First test: (in brackets are what the criteria for their normal boundary)

Sperm concentration: 14.7 million / ml (>20 million)
Total sperm: 52.9 million (>40 million)
% motility: 66% > (50%)
rapid progressive (a): 42% (>50% a + b, or >25% a)
slow progressive (b): 15%
normal forms: 5% (>7%)

Diagnosis: Oligozoospermic

Like I said, on the very day that I took this test, I found out later than my first recipient (lesbian) couple had conceived. So these results were within 2 weeks of the donation that caused pregnancy, but this test was done within the 60 day period where I achieved 6 pregnancies (mostly via Artificial Insemination, pot & syringe, nothing special). To put things in context, since this was sperm donation. This was averaging a success rate of 1 in 3 donations. It was a peak in my donation 'career' that I've not been able to replicate thus far (private donors tend to have many months of no successes, then a whole spate of BFPs in a cluster - to the regular couple trying to conceive, they don't realise this, as you try with one woman, and when she conceives, you're no longer trying until maybe a year or more later.).

Also of note, I had abstained from ejaculation for 3 days for the semen analysis. Whereas all of my donations which resulted in successful conception, I had abstained for only 24 hours. With the exception of one where I abstained for 5 days.

My second semen analysis, about 4 months later, was a bit different though. Sperm concentration was higher, around the 38 million/ml mark (and a total count of 88 million in the volume), whereas motility was lower (43%), I had abstained for less than a day for this semen analysis (I know I have poor control ;)). Although was too ashamed to admit to the doctor so I told them I abstained for 1.5 days.

I don't dispute that there is correlation between higher sperm count/motility/normal forms etc. and success, there is science, and lots of research has been conducted on this. But it's not as clear cut as people think. They're rough guidelines to indicate where fertility may be compromised.

I don't know if this helps you guys. Just like to offer a different perspective on things.

Idea: Don't know how often you're trying to conceive. But instead of only trying at the 'most fertile' peak, (if that's what you're doing), try upto 3-5 days before, and even upto 1-2 days late. I've had conceptions when I thought it was too early, when all the previous months I tried bang on the peak without any result. And I've had conceptions when I thought it was too late, and would be expecting to hear a BFN two weeks later.


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מעניין מאוד!

There is a science to conception, but I don't believe scientists understand the science entirely.

בול פגיעה :)