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ברצוני שתתרגמו את הטקסט הבא אם אפשר.......: Belarus blank. Basic Indicators Total Population 10187 (thousands) Population under 5 468 (thousands) Population under 18 2408 (thousands) Annual no. of births 91 (thousands) GNI per Capita 2990 (US$) blank. Mortality Infant mortality rate 17 (per 1,000 live births) Under 5 mortality rate 20 (per 1,000 live births) Annual no. of under 5 deaths 2 (thousands) blank. Immunization % fully immunized (1-year-old children) BCG 99 DPT3 99 Polio3 99 Measles 98 % of routine EPI vaccines financed by government 100 . Water and Sanitation % of population with access to % of population with access to safe water adequate sanitation Water - total 100 Sanitation - Total - Water - Urban 100 Sanitation - Urban - Water - Rural 100 Sanitation - Rural - blank. Nutrition Infants with low birth weight (%): 5 Exclusively breastfed (0-3 months) - Breastfed with complementary food (6-9 months) - Still breastfeeding (20-23 months) - Underweight -moderate and severe - -severe - Stunting -moderate and severe - Wasting -moderate and severe - % of children receiving Vit A supplementation - % of households consuming iodized salt 37 blank. Reproductive Health Total Fertility Rate 1.3 Contraceptive Prevalence 50 Maternal Mortality Ratio 20 (per 100,000 live births) blank. Education Adult Literacy Rate Male 100 Female 99 Primary School Enrolment Ratio (Gross) Male 101 Female 101 Primary School Enrolment Ratio (Net) Male 87 x Female 84 x Secondary School Enrolment Ratio (Gross) Male 91 Female 95