וואלה - צודק.
Another mechanism by which hysterectomy could be associated with CVD is through its effect on body iron stores, a possibility alluded to by Howard et al. This theory, postulated to explain the difference in CVD mortality by sex, is that body iron stores are positively related to coronary heart disease (CHD) risk.20 Because premenopausal women have lower levels of body iron stores because of menstrual blood loss, under this hypothesis they would therefore have lower CHD morbidity and mortality. The theory implicates hysterectomy, not loss of ovarian function, as the CHD risk factor and thus all women who have had a hysterectomy would be equally at increased risk for disease regardless of ovarian surgery, as long as hysterectomy is performed significantly earlier than the age of natural menopause. Although this proposed association between iron stores and CHD is biologically plausible, most epidemiological studies have failed to find the hypothesized association.20 This is true regardless of the measure used to quantify body iron stores, the cut point(s) used to define low and high iron stores, and the outcome studied. No study, however, has explored the association between iron stores and CHD among women by either age of menopause or type of menopause.
כנראה שלא התעדכניתי בנושא... משעשע משהו. בכל מקרה, המאמרים שקראתי לגבי היתרון בתרומות דם, מדברים על סיבה אפשרית של הורדת כמות הברזל בדם, מעניין אם ישנן סיבות אחרות\נוספות. אבירם.