#1 כוכבים מדברים


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#1 כוכבים מדברים

נכון.... שמתי כבר דברים שסליברטאים אמרו על מייקל בעבר... אז זה החלק השני! AJ (singer; Backstreet Boys) He is what every artist looks up to...to be..one time become the next King of Pop. [source: Pro7; World Music Awards 2000] Dr. Eugene Aksenoff Just last month I saw Michael Jackson again. He was in Japan with his children. Prince, his 15-month-old son, had high fever and cramp. Michael had not slept the whole night. He´s really devoted to the children. [source: Reuters; August 1998] Anastacia (singer) Actually, when Michael Jackson called, it was all leading up to the fact that when I did the show "The Cut", which was the star search kind of show, I was proposed to by a lot of record companies being interested in wanting me to sign with them. In the process of all those meetings and stuff, I was meeting with MJJ, so it was inevitable to meet the presidents of all of these labels because I was starting to get to that point. Michael Jackson was one of these people that I had to meet, as well as Tommy and Bob Jamieson and the presidents of all the great record companies, so it really was a professional situation. It wasn´t like "I´m a really big fan and I want to have you autograph everything that I own", it was a phone call of admiration from a performer to a performer, as a president to an artist wanting to be signed, as an artist looking at what a label has to offer, it was that kind of conversation, but what a light conversation! He was laughing, I was laughing, we were having a great time. It was so wonderful to be able to speak to him. He´s so inspiring and what a genius! Forever I´ll remember that I got to speak with him on the phone. If I never get to meet him or even work with him in the future, it´s the beauty of being able to be recognised by something like that. [source: Radio Undercover] During an online chat Anastacia did at MSN she was asked which artist would be a dream come true for her to work with: "There´s so many. I think any artist would be a dream, but it would fulfill a dream to be on the stage with Michael Jackson." [source: Anastacia] David Arquette (actor) I remember when I first saw the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video. I couldn´t believe that a guy would go out and put so much into a video, and the zombies and all that stuff. I believe it had a solo impact on my decision to be involved with the "Scream" movies. [source: MTV; March 2000] Fred Astaire (dancer & actor) You are a hell of a mover. Man you really put them on their asses last night. You´re an angry dancer. I´m the same way. I used to do the same thing with my cane...You´re a hell of a mover! [source: The day after seeing MJ perform at ´Motown 25´] Dallas Austin (songwriter/producer, worked on ´HIStory´) Working with Michael is a different type of work. You´re pressured timewise, but not by creativity or money. So you´re left with mad freedom. You´d think he´d be very controlling, but if he likes you enough to work with you, he wants your expertise, not just another Michael Jackson record. "Heal the World" and "Stranger in Moscow" from the HIStory record are, like, the makeup of Michael. I think he´s taken on the responsibility to make changes in the world. He´s the only real superhero. Think about it. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995] Jennifer Batten (guitarist on several MJ world tours) He completely changed my life, you know, I was doing the L.A. club scene, just trying to make ends meet and BAM - I´m on a paid vacation around the world having just the time of my life playing in the biggest band in the world. And yeah, I´ll always feel an intense gratitude and love for him for that. [source: Entertainment Tonight; July 16, 1997] Tracy Bingham (actress) Question: What are you looking forward to tonight? Tracy Bingham: Actually, you know what...I have never ever met Michael Jackson. I love him. And just being in the same room as Michael Jackson is enough for me. So I can´t wait to see him. [source: Pro7, World Music Awards 2000] Rabbi Shmuley Boteach We talk about everything from love and relationships to spiritual healing. I have great admiration and respect for Michael. From what I gather, he is very unfairly represented. His kindness strikes me more than anything. He is extremely interested in spiritual things. I’ve been to Michael Jackson’s home and I’ve given him lessons from the Torah. It’s not that he is interested in converting. He just has avery admirable interest in learning. When I speak with Michael about Judaism, he just wants to hear more and more. It’s not that I am such a great teacher. It is his sincere curiosity. I don’t think you should judge Michael by his eccentricities. Who isn’t eccentric? [source: ABC News, CNN, WENN; October 1999] BoyzIIMen (R&B group) We share his concern for the children who have been innocent victims of war and, who have suffered because of the horrors of war, many of whom are without families, food or homes. We applaud Michael for his sensitivity and efforts. [source: Universal Records Press Release; July 1999] Brandy (singer) Michael Jackson, he is just like; he is the king of it all. Everything that everyone´s doing now, he´s already done. He´s opened a lot of doors for a lot of artists today. [source: VH1´s special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998] Garth Brooks (country singer) With that numbers stuff [record sales], you just have to take it with a grain of salt. Yeah, you feel proud, but the true guy in you has to say ´Come on ... You´re not really on the level of the Beatles.´ For me as a fan ... the Beatles, Michael Jackson, you can stick Elvis Presley in there, James Taylor, Billy Joel and 100 more guys in there that I think are on a level Garth will never get to ´cause I´m such a huge fan of these people. [source: Reuters; May 1998]


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Naomi Campbell (supermodel/actress, appeared in ´In the Closet´ video, 1992) Michael is very involved and on top of everything he puts his name on. He´s shy and sweet, considering all he´s accomplished, but he´s a prankster. When I was doing the video, we had water pistol fights. He´s a perfectionist. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995] Niel Rogers Chick Michael has always been one of those artists that I personally cannot believe. I can´t believe how great he is, and I quite frankly have always been in awe of Michael´s talent. [source: VH1´s special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998] Ice Cube (rap artist) [About the ´Thriller´ video:] I was glued, I couldn´t believe what I was seeing. I would just sit there and wait days and days and days to see the "Thriller" video again. I couldn´t wait to see it again from start to finish. [source: MTV; March 2000] Dalvin DeGrate (Soul/R&B group ´Jodeci´) Michael is my favorite artist. I formed my harmonies and melodies based on his music. [source: Billboard; April 2000] Kevin Dorsey (HIStory tour assistant musical director) He is such an open person when it comes to his creativity, umm, he expects nothing of us that he doesn´t expect of himself. [source: Entertainment Tonight; July 16, 1997] Missy Elliot (rapper) I don´t look at it as he is not the hottest thing any more - I look at what he´s done as a groundbreaking artist who opened a lot of doors for black acts. Michael Jackson is still amazing to me. [source: Entertainment Weekly; November 1999] Kenny Gamble (producer on the Jacksons´ ´Destiny´ album, 1978) When we took Michael in the studio tooverdub his voice, he had so many different ideas about songs, writing, and producing, I told him he could really record himself. He was very curious about a lot of things. He´s a creative, spiritual, caring person. Nineteen eighty-one´s "Rock With You" is the most what Michael´s about. I really believe he and Quincy have a magic together. Michael is a miracle. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995] Genuwine (R&B singer) If it weren´t for Michael Jackson, a lot of us wouldn´t be here. People talk all this junk about Michael, but he´s cool with me. He opened a lot of doors for the rest of us. knew what I wanted to do this the night I saw Michael Jackson on the ´Motown 25´ TV special. He´s the one that made me realize that was what I wanted to do. [source: September 1997] M.C. Hammer (singer) Just a phenomenal artist, the [word] speaks for itself. You don´t go much beyond Michael Jackson when it comes to performing and making good records. [source: VH1´s special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998] Mary Hart (co-host of ´Entertainment Tonight´) It´s a pretty awesome experience to watch him rehearse. He knows exactly what he wants and how to get it. He´s very much in charge. [source: while visiting tour rehearsals in Pensacola, Florida; February 1988]


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#3 כוכבים מדברים

Heavy D (label executive, rapped on ´Jam,´ 1991) I was in California the first time I heard Michael Jackson wanted to record with me. I was, like, Nah, no way, he´s too big, it can´t be true. Then I got a call from Michael´s people at my hotel telling me he was interested. But I still wasn´t believing it-I thought they were setting me up for a TV practical jokes show. So me and my partner go to the place, and while we were waiting we were talking and cursing up a storm-I was thinking that if it was a blooper show, they wouldn´t be able to use it. Then Michael called and said he was on his way. When he got there he was just, like, ´Hey, how ya doin?´ Michael´s just as regular as everyone else. We talked about all the normal stuff guys talk about. He´s real smart. People forget that he´s the most incredible entertainer we´ve seen in our lifetime. His name is Michael Jackson, not Super Michael Jackson. He makes mistakes just like all of us. My favorite Michael Jackson song is "Music and Me." It´s an old one, about him and his music, his love for music, and the time they´ve had together. It´s like a song that would be sung to a girl, but it´s all about music. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995] Darrin Henson (choreographer) Question: Did you go to a dance school and if so...where? Darrin Henson: No, I studied all Michael Jackson´s videos and that is how I got my moves. Question: Darrin, has it been intimidating to work with people like Prince and Michael Jackson? Darrin Henson: No, Prince is a great dancer and a great person. He knows what he wants and can move great. Michael is also a great dancer. He loves to listen to the moves and then, in seconds, he is dancing just like you want. [source: Monday Night Backstage Chat at Voice of Dance; 2000] Andy Hernandez (rock group ´Kid Creole & The Coconuts´) As a performer who believes in injecting high energy into a show, I can appreciate more than most what goes into the making of a Michael Jackson performance. The dictionary should contain another word that means ´great, superb, professional, energetic, entertaining´ and that word should be ´michael-jackson´. [source: after attending a concert of The Jacksons in Philadelphia; September 1984] Cynthia Horner (editor of ´Right On!´ magazine) He´s usually quiet and rather humble. However, it may sound strange to say but people feel energy drwaing from him, almost as though he´s endowed with superhuman powers. People are usually so struck by him that they cannot even speak. Indeed, Michael weaves a magic spell over his fans. Michael seems to be more open and outgoing around children, especially those he knows very well. Michael Jackson on stage is as good as it gets! [source: after being backstage at a concert in London; 1988] Leon Huff (producer on the Jacksons´ ´Destiny´ album, 1978) When Michael and his brothers first came to Philadelphia, Gamble decided to walk them from the hotel to the studio. As they were walking, they were rushed by a group of girls. The brothers escaped by going into a movie theater. Once they made it to the studio, these girls camped outside the studio-and this was for a six-month period. To see 100 girls laying outside a studio at 3 and 4 in the morning for Michael and his brothers was something else. My favorite Michael song? Nineteen eighty-seven´s "Show You The Way To Go." [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]


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#4 כוכבים מדברים

Jerry Inzerillo (US millionaire & hotelier, long-time friend of MJ) While the artistry of Michael Jackson is so celebrated... his empathy is not recognized as much as it should be. [source: October 1997] John Isaac (photographer) It´s all lies. A lot of it, they just make up stories and that bothers me, and I am sure it bothers Michael so much. [source: Entertainment Tonight; July 15, 1997] Janet Jackson (singer) Some days ago he had someone send me an enormous basket, full of candles (he does it all the time) with, in the middle of it, two magnificient dogs. It was adorable! We have been brought up like that: We are trying to find our places but we adore each other. [source: press conference in Paris, France; August 25, 2000] Jimmy Jam (producer/songwriter) Michael´s the most intense person I´ve worked with. For him, everything is about the music and how to make it better. He also makes work a lot of fun. He´s a kid at heart-his office is not like a normal office. He has all the kids´ toys. A lot of times we´d be in session, in the middle of playing a video game, and he´d be, like, "Well, we got to do this. But go ahead and finish your game, though-I don´t want to mess your game up. The thing about Michael is his talent. If you put Michael onstage without the explosions and the other dancers, he´ll still command the stage. There´s a song called "Childhood" on the new album, and I think for the first time, Michael has put a lot of his feelings on record. That song, for right now, defineswhere he´s at-the way he feels about himself and the way people feel about him. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995] JC (singer, ´N Sync) I would love to record something with Sting or Seal. We all dream of recording a song with Janet or Michael Jackson. [source: dpa; February 2000] Rodney Jerkins (music producer) I was a huge fan of Michael since I was a little kid, I followed his career... everything he´s ever done...... He is the best, there´s no other artist at his level, and I worked with many, he is great to work with because he knows exactly what he wants. [source: April 1999] I´m blessed to even be in the position to work with the greatest entertainer of all time. Just to be working with him is a phenomenon itself, you know, a dream come true. [...] You have people that grew up with Mike that wanna hear him do the "Off The Wall" and "Thriller" type stuff and we are gonna do that but at the same time I´m also trying to do things that kids of today, that don´t know who Michael is, will understand. That he is the greatest. Interviewer: So, does Michael come into the studio with a surgical mask on? Jerkins: No, no. Michael is probably more human than any of us at this party. And that´s what a lot of people don´t know of. You know, I really know Michael. [...] So it´s my responsibility to - we don´t want to change that - you know. Not just be a producer in the studio but also be the friend to Michael and say: "Michael, it´s cool to come to this party here tonight. It´s cool to hang out with me, you know. They are not gonna bother you if you hang out here." [...] I´ve taken him to places where ... you know parties .. and a lot of people are coming up to him and it gets hectic and I understand why he kind of stays in. But at the same time, you know, he is feeling more comfortable to even step out now. [...] He is a good person. He is not what everybody wants him to be. They want him to be a wacko. You know how it is once you are so successful. They have to find where they can pull you down. He´s not like that." [source: The Doug Banks Show; February 2000] Elton John (singer, songwriter) He is a very smart cookie, Michael. He knows what he wants, he knows what he is doing. I have nothing but admiration. Also, he is a very kind person. [source: VH1´s special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998] Quincy Jones (music producer) Introverted, shy and nonassertive. He wasn´t at all sure he could make a name for himself on his own. Neither was I. [source: Life magazine September 1997 special issue - "Life Legends: the Century´s Most Unforgettable Faces"] Michael can go out and perform before 90,000 people, but if I ask him to sing a song for me, I have to sit on the couch with my hands over my eyes and he goes behind the couch. He is amazingly shy. What people forget about him is that for the first time, probably in the history of music, a black artist is embraced on a global level by everyone from eight to 80 years old. People all over the world, especially young people, have a black man as an idol. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]


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R. Kelly (singer/songwriter/producer, worked on ´HIStory´) [...] I grew up with the music of Michael and I´ve been inspired a great deal by Michael. To actually have him call me up, call my management, saying he wants me to do a song for him was a great inspiration for me to go forward in my career. And up to the day I met him it was like a big countdown. I think it´s normal when you grow up to the music of someone that has been there so long and is so large. To meet this person and knowing that this person depends on me. When an artist calls a producer he makes himself dependent on him to become # 1, to get something that comes out as a track. At this time, Michael Jackson depended on me to make something come true for him. I remember a funny thing about him. I had ordered Chinese food and had put up all these Walt Disney cups all over the studio because I knew he was a big kid. I knew that. Everyone knew that. And I also got my little dog because I knew he loved animals. I couldn´t afford giraffes, but I did have a dog. It broke ice and we talked. And I went to the bathroom and my manager came with me, and I remember that I fell to the floor because I just couldn´t believe it. But I got back up and straightened myself out because I realized that I had to be professional. [...] It´s always great to work with someone who is wonderful because they bring you forward. Michael was very humble. He also didn´t wanna change anything. Some artists want to change songs so that they like them, but I don´t go for that. I don´t want to destroy the magic. I don´t like messing with the magic and what you risk to reach something is what you need to keep it. Michael figured this also. [source: VIVA; October 1999] I thought it was funny when I told Michael Jackson I didn´t want to fly, and he was giving me reasons why I should. I kept looking him in the eye, and I kept saying "uh-huh, uh-huh" and "oh, I see," knowing all the time that I would not be getting on a plane. Working with Michael was definitely not just another day at the office. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995] Question: So it was cool working with Michael? R. Kelly: I was so nervous, I was afraid I wouldn´t be able to finish the project. When he first got to the studio, something weird came over me. Michael was another level, and it was a hell of a level to go to. But passion took over, and it put a shield around me and allowed me to be just a normal guy who felt like he worked with Michael all the time. Question: Was he really receptive, or was he, like, "No, muhfucka, I´ve been doing this for 30 years." R. Kelly: He was never that. That´s why he´s been here for 30 years. He was more humble than me-got up under my wing. He wanted to know what it was I wanted from him. And if he could give it to me. Question: How did that feel? R. Kelly: Everything Mrs. McLin told me was true: I was born for this. I was ready. I didn´t know that until I met Michael. My teacher told me when I was 15 that one day I would work with Michael Jackson, that one day I´d produce him, and that Quincy Jones would come to me for songs, and Stevie Wonder. I haven´t worked with Stevie yet, but she told me these things would happen, and to see them come to pass is amazing. [source: VIBE magazine; March 1996]


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#5 כוכבים מדברים

Jonathan King Michael should have swept the board. But, this year it was the A&M and WEA record companies´ turn to win and that´s why Sting and Paul Simon got their awards. But you should have seen the look on their faces aftre Michael stole the show when he sang ´Man In The Mirror´. It was a look of absolute pure sheer horror. They were transfixed ny his real talent and mortified when they compared it to their own stars. It comes down to a choice between the music industry and Michael Jackson - and I´d rather have Jacko any time. [source: Grammy Awards; March 2, 1988] Ed Koch (former mayor of New York City) He really is the supreme theatrical dancer - like Fred Astaire. [source: NY Post; March 1988] Sean Lennon (singer - son of John Lennon) If it wasn´t for Michael Jackson, I probably wouldn´t make music now. Thriller changed my life completely. [source: ´US´ magazine; October 1998] Vincent Mantsoe (South African dancer/choreographer) I have always been inspired by TV. There used to be a ballet on Sundays, and I used to watch the Fame series and, of course, all Michael Jackson´s music videos. But most of all, I have always been intrigued by The Dance Theatre of Harlem´s Dougla; somehow it really got inside me, my mind. [source: South Africa´s Sunday Times; February 2000] Ricky Martin (singer) I need to thank my teachers. I need to thank the legends of pop. I need to thank Elvis, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Madonna. Thank you so much for being leaders and teaching me the beauty of pop. [source: Reuters; while accepting an award for his hit "Livin´ La Vida Loca" at the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards] Whoa, talking about Mr. Jackson, all my respects. He definitely has a lot to do with my career. He´s the legend; El Maestro, you know? From him, we learn a lot, and definitely he will always be a part of my life. [source: MTV USA; November 1999] All that I know comes from Michael Jackson. [tv interview on channel RTL9; Dec. 2000] Jaqueline Kennedy Onassis (former 1st lady of US, editor of Moonwalk) What can one say about Michael Jackson? He is one of the world´s most acclaimed entertainers, an innovative and exciting songwriter whose dancing seems to defy gravity and has been heralded by teh likes of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. His public is perhaps unaware of the extent of his dedication to his craft. Restless, seldom satisfied, he is a perfectionist who is constantly challenging himself. To many people Michael Jackson seems an elusive personality, but to those who work with him, he is not. This talented artist is a sensitive man, warm, funny, and full of insight. [source: forward from ´Moonwalk´] Tatum O´Neal (actress) I never worked with Michael, but he and I had a really wonderful friendship when I was 12 and he was 17. He used to dance with me, we´d talk on the phone all the time, and he´d say how funny it was that I was 12 and I could drive and he was older and couldn´t. Michael used to come to my house when I was living with my dad, and I remember him being so shy. Once he came into my bedroom, and he wouldn´t even sit on my bed. But another time when he was over, he played the drums, my brother played guitar, and someone else played another instrument, and we had a jam session. I had the tape of it, but I lost it somewhere. When I was 12, he asked me to go to the premiere of The Wiz with him, and my agent at the time said it wasn´t a good idea, maybe because they felt he wasn´t a big enough star yet. He never talked to me after that. I think he thought I just canceled, but it wasn´t me at all. I was a child doing what I was told. I want you to print that, because I don´t think he ever knew that. I lost touch with him because of it, so I don´t really know him anymore. But I love him; he´s one of the nicest, most innocent people I´ve ever met. I love "She´s out of My Life" because I think it describes our friendship at that time. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995] Teddy Pendegrass (musician) People like Michael come along once in history. He´s a bonafide superstar. [source: VH1´s special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998] Prince (singer, songwriter) Asked by a reporter if he could take Michael Jackson in a fistfight Prince laughed and quipped "Michael´s not a fighter, he´s a lover." (which refers to a verse from the Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney hit duet ´The Girl Is Mine´ from ´Thriller´.) [source: Rolling Stone; press conference in New York on May 17, 2000] Ronald Reagan (former president of USA) To Michael Jackson with appreciation for the outstanding example you have set for the youth of America and the world. [source: The Presidential Award; 1984] All over America, millions of peole look up to you as an example. Your deep faith in God amd adherence to traditional values are an inspiration to all of us, especially young people searching for something real to believe in. You´ve gained quite a number of fans along the road since I Want You Back, and Nancy and I are among them. Keep up the good work, Michael. We´re very happy for you. [source: in a note to Michael who suffered severe burns during the filmimg of a Pepsi commercial; February 1, 1984] Little Richard (singer, songwriter) Michael is fantastic. I love him. He is a great artist, one of the greatest entertainers I´ve ever seen. [source: VH1´s special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998] Teddy Riley (writer, composer & producer, worked on ´Dangerous´ and ´HIStory´ albums) I wrote ´Remember the Time´ when Michael [Jackson] told me about falling in love with [Debbie Rowe], the woman he just married. I don´t know why he didn´t marry her the first time around. [source: Los Angeles Times ; December 1996] He´s the greatest. Innovative. Black. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]


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#6 כוכבים מדברים

Jessica Simpson (singer) Question: Who would you most want to do a duet with? Jessica Simpson: Some of my favorites...I was thinking about this the other day. Michael Jackson would be the ultimate. I wouldn´t mind Celine Dion or Shania Twain, either! [source: Zoog Disney; June 26, 2000] Slash (Guns N´ Roses guitarist, played on ´Dangerous´ and ´HIStory´) He´s a fucking brilliant entertainer, a complete natural. He´s the only guy I´ve ever met that´s real-for that kind of music. I grew up listening to the Jackson 5. I used to love "Dancing Machine". We´ve been friends for a while, so he just lets me do what I want to do. I get a basic framework, and I just make up my part and they edit it. I wonder sometimes what it´s gonna sound like, [Laughs] but every time, they do a great job. He´s very shrewd. He´s got a great, sarcastic sense of humor. People always ask me, "Is he weird?" Well, he´s different. But I know what it´s like to be weird, growing up in the music business. I have to admit working with Michael Jackson is different than working with your basic, gritty rock ´n´ roll band. One time when I went to play for Michael, he walked in with Brooke Shields, and there I am with a cigarette in one hand, a bottle of Jack Daniel´s in the other, and my guitar hanging low around my neck. And he doesn´t care. That´s not the way he is, but I don´t have to change for him. He accepts me for what I am. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995] Steven Spielberg (film director) Michael Jackson, the star, is a phenomenon. The hat, a single glove, white socks and black loafers. He is mysterious. Theatrical. The consummate performer. From the way he moves, to the Neverland he´s created as his home, it´s as if he´s an illusion. The Michael Jackson I´ve had the pleasure of knowing for 13 years is without affectation, and is not an illusion. It must be hard for Michael to know how much the world wants to knwo him, to be like him, to consume him. He´s wisely created his own world in which to preserve the most honest parts of his identity. Those are the parts we love the most. Michael has heightened sensitivity for the crying needs of this world. Through his Heal the World Foundation, he works to preserve this planet´s most precious resources - children, and the environment. He feels much of the same responsibility a parent feels - his children are all of our children. Michael brings so much to so many, he is one of the world´s most precious resources himself. Guided by his creative forces of passion, joy, work and genius, Michael has gone aftre his dreams and shared them with all of us. I can´t wait to see where he chooses to take us next. [source: HIStory booklet] Elizabeth Taylor (actress) Everything about Michael is truthful. And there is something in him that is so dear and childlike - not childish, but childlike - that we both have and identify with. [source: Talk magazine; October 1999] Michael Jackson is, indeed, an international favorite for all ages, an incredible force of incredible energy. In the art of music, he is a pacesetter for quality of production, in the vaguard for high standards of entertainment. What makes Michael more unique may be the fact that all of his accomplishments, his rewards, have not altered his sensitivity and concern for the welfare of others, or his intense caring and love for his family and friends, and especially all the children of the world over. He is filled with deep emotions that create an unearthly, special, innocent, childlike, wise man that is Michael Jackson. He is so giving of himself that, at times, he leaves very little to protect that beautiful inner core that is the seence of him. I think Michael appeals to the child in all of us. He has the quality of innocence that we would all like to obtain or have kept. I think Michael is like litmus paper. He is always trying to learn. He has one of the sharpest wits, he is intelligent, and he is cunning - that is a strange word to use about him, because it implies deviousness and he is one of the least devious people I have ever met in my life. Michael is highly intelligent, shrewd, intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and generous to almost a fault of himself. He is honesty personified - painfully honest - and vulnerable to the point of pain. He is also very curious and wants to draw from people who have survived. People who have lasted. He is not really of this planet. If he is eccentric it´s because he is larger than life. What is a genius? What is a living legend? What is a megastar? Michael Jackson - that´s all. And just when you think you know him, he gives you more... There is no one that can come near him, no one can dance like that, write the lyrics, or cause the kind of excitement that he does. When I hear the name Michael Jackson, I think of brilliance, of dazzling stars, lasers and deep emotions. I think he is one of the world´s biggest and greatest stars, and it just so happens that he is one of the most gifted music makers the world has ever known. I think he is one of the finest people to hit this planet, and, in my estimation, he is the true King of Pop, Rock and Soul. I love you Michael. [source: HIStory booklet]


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#7 כוכבים מדברים

Usher (R&B singer) I study legends because I want to be a legend - Frank Sinatra, Fred Estaire, LL Cool J, Michael Jackson. That´s who inspires me. [source: USA Today; October 9, 1997] Hype Williams (video director) The choreography [in Thriller] is tremendous. It´s a new appreciation of how dance can move a music video. He wasn´t just a tremendous artist, tremendous performer, it was amazing how ingenious was he to foresee that music video could be anything you wanted in the beginning. [source: MTV; March 2000] Stan Winston (movie director) I stand here and say he´s a really great guy. [source: special screening of ´Ghosts´ at the opening night of the 1997 Palm Springs International Short Film Festival; August 1997]


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זה יהיה ממש מייגע לקרוא הכל... עצה: כל מי שמשועמם שיכנס וייקרא כל פעם חלק אחד! בכל מקרה, הנה תמונה לפיצוי