2 כתבות חדשות


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2 כתבות חדשות

אמנם קטנות אבל משעשעות למדי.... זאת אחת: Crazy! Turns out Michelle Branch and a longtime friend/back-up singer, Jessica Harp, have made an acoustic, partially twangy album that they're shopping around Nashville. Michelle and Jessica — a Kansas City girl who's moving soon to Nashville — have long talked about putting out an album as a duo under the name The Wreckers. Meanwhile, Jessica has been working with producer/musician John Carter Cash, Johnny Cash's son, and she's close to getting her own solo deal in Nashville. So Michelle called Jessica and said, ''Let's do this duo album before your solo career takes off.'' The album is done and Nashville manager Stuart Dill is taking Michelle, Jessica and their album around town to play it for Music Row.


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Pop singer-songwriter Michelle Branch (Everywhere) and new duo partner Jessica Harp wowed a crowd of Music Row executives yesterday morning. Michelle and Jessica — Michelle's longtime friend, backup singer and musical collaborator — impressed with beautiful harmonies and thoughtful songs that they wrote themselves. The two have done an album for Michelle's record label, but they're hoping to work it to country radio. The two are performing as The Wreckers, which is short for home wreckers. After the mini-concert, Michelle, 21, shyly explained that, well, she and Jessica, 22, have been involved in romances with guys who were with other women. ''But we never really broke up any relationships,'' Michelle added quickly. ''Well, …'' Jessica said. ''Oh yeah, Jess dated my brother and broke up his relationship,'' Michelle said, laughing. Jessica shrugged. ''He's hot!'' (For the record, Jessica and Michelle's brother have since broken up and Michelle's brother is back with the original girlfriend.) Look for The Wreckers' first album in March.


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נשמע שהן מאוד נהנות יחד... אני מקווה שהדיסק יהיה טוב ושיגיע לארץ...


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נחמד, אני מקווה לראות אותן פועלות ביחד בקרוב
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סוף סוף סוף סוף יש עוד מישהו מעדכן!!!! תודה!!!!


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