62 Cool YouTube Rosh HaShana Videos


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62 Cool YouTube Rosh HaShana Videos

Hi Everyone! I created a list of 62 cool Rosh HaShana YouTube videos. There is something for everyone. The list includes: Shana tova! Ma chadash, Tapuach Im Dvash Animation Happy New Year 5769 (Second Life) Shana Tova (Hebrew remix of muppets song) The Four Traditional Shofar Blasts Nasrallah's Happy New Year clip Rosh Hashanah Girl Shana Tova from Tijuana Rosh Hashana: Sticky 'n Sweet New Year Happy New Year for Jewish Mothers Head of the Year (Rosh HaShana Mix) Rosh Hashana Rap Prepare for Rosh Hashanah-Elul JewU WebYeshiva: Blowing the Shofar in Elul Rosh HaShana Foods - Sephardi style Shana Tova Song - Parpar Nechmad (with Ofra Haza) Bashana Haba'ah - Steve Lawrence & Eydie Gorme Bashana Haba'a in Yiddish The Alexandria Kleztet - Bashana Haba'a (from Chile) Kol Ish - BaShana HaBa'ah and many more..... The address is: http://www.jr.co.il/videos/rosh-hashana-videos.htm Enjoy! Shana Tova - Have a Good Year! Jacob