A little advise please


New member
A little advise please

Hello all, Im looking for some advise with regards to aliya. I am 24 and am just about to finish univerity in england. So am obvusly at a bit of a cross road's in my life. I have been considering making aliya for some time now but obvusly would like to be informed as possible before i commit to it. I left israel when i was 3 years old so i believe (feel free to correct me if im wrong) that i would be going back under katin chozrim??(speling)i was wandering what is the genneral proces with this. I speak hebrew in like i would say a tourist probably would, in other words very broken. but i dont read or write in hebrew, how would this affect my possiblitys for employment (obvusly i would be doing ulpan at some stage) is there a reccomended amount of money that i should attempt to save in order to help the process? It would be good to here from any one that was in a simmerler position to my self and how ther expirenece went as well as any advise any one has to offer. Thanks in advance for any help any one can give me


New member
contact me

I am in the same situation, and going through the process right now. Let Israel early, and am now trying to go back. I have gathered quite a bit of information-including info on advanced ulpanim and employment. Feel free to email me if you want to talk. [email protected]


New member
Ask your Shaliach

The best thing to do is to talk to a Jewish Agency Aliyah shaliach as they are best placed to help you. They know the law, the situation re money and ulpanim, jobs, housing etc. There are 2 offices in England (I think), one in Manchester and one in London so pick the closest one to you and call them. Which university are you at?


New member
Shaliach, Shaliach, Shaliach

You need full consultation, make an appointment with a Shaliach London The Jewish Agency for Israel Balfour House 741 High Road Finchley London N12 OBQ, England Tel: (0208) 369-5220 x5222 Fax: (0208) 369-5221 Email: [email protected] Manchester The Jewish Agency for Israel Mamlock House 142 Bury Old Rd. Manchester M8 4HS England Tel: (0161) 740-2864 Fax: (0161) 740-2050 Email: [email protected]