a sentence translation can you translate it to hebrew ïn a quirk of evolutionary fate thanks
O Oבבה New member 7/8/08 #1 a sentence translation can you translate it to hebrew ïn a quirk of evolutionary fate thanks
T TheNightcrawler New member 8/8/08 #2 we could translate but it's an English-only forum.You can ask in 'לימודי אנגלית' forum.
A ArieIO5 New member 9/8/08 #3 A minor correction This is a Hardly-Existent-Totally-Lifeless-Probably-On-The-Verge-Of-Being-Closed-Down English Only forum. It's important to be precise.
A minor correction This is a Hardly-Existent-Totally-Lifeless-Probably-On-The-Verge-Of-Being-Closed-Down English Only forum. It's important to be precise.
T TheNightcrawler New member 10/8/08 #5 Ariel lol I now checked to see if this forum can be found on the forums list.Guess what I found...(or didn't found).Don't even try to look surprised
Ariel lol I now checked to see if this forum can be found on the forums list.Guess what I found...(or didn't found).Don't even try to look surprised
T TheNightcrawler New member 10/9/08 #7 Why on earth did I write 'didn't found'??? Maybe I was ailing at the time...
O Oבבה New member 9/8/08 #4 you could be nicer and translate it to me in english letters like Shabat Shalom
T TheNightcrawler New member 10/8/08 #6 Sorry I'm not into that kind of translation I guess your sentence means בתפנית של הגורל המתפתח/החדשני .I don't know I'm not so good at translating sentences.In my opinion anything sounds better in its original language.
Sorry I'm not into that kind of translation I guess your sentence means בתפנית של הגורל המתפתח/החדשני .I don't know I'm not so good at translating sentences.In my opinion anything sounds better in its original language.