adress to comics stores in NY

adress to comics stores in NY

hey guys by any chance u can help me ? i want to search for some comics and dont know where 2 look if you can please write down here thanks ... and hello from NY


New member
I was in two comics stores when i

was in N.Y last year I remmber how to get there from hotel pansilvenya (Damn I forgot what´s the name of the place where N.Y nicks are playing that where the hotel is located) Any way the other comics store (Well actually its a CD store) is vergin Mega store you have everything there From manga to marvel movies and cd´s books and games its located in the time square you cant miss it!


New member
Comic Relief

I have no idea where it is, except that it´s in this big 9-story shopping mall in Manhattan. Try an internet search, they have to have a site. They´re a pretty well known chain

green lantern

New member
first of all

u spose to be in canda what r u doing in NY ? anyway u can call to 1-888-comic book for your nearest comics shop u can sarch the net too....