Adrienne Wilkinson in ANGEL


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Adrienne Wilkinson in ANGEL

Since I'm a HUGE fan of Angel (and Buffy), I tund in last Wednesday to watch the episode "Orpheus" (which was, btw, Faith's last ep, and guest starred Allyson Hannigan - Willow). Besides the fact the ep was just AMAZING, just wanted to report that Adrienne Wilkinson had a teeny tiny part in it. she was a 1920s flapper, whose dog was rescued by Angel. She looked kind of rediculous with that hairdo and dress, but what can ya do, right? ;)


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אני לא יכולה לחכות לראות את הפרק!!!

שמעתי שהיא אמורה להיות ב"אנג'ל"! מה, היא כבר צילמה את זה??


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all of Angel's eps till the end of the season are already ready. they will be broadcast within the enxt few weeks. no more hiatus! :)