re: ADSL
I know how it goes for red hat 7.1 but it should also work for preveious version. 1st you must define your ethernet card so enter a command: "ifconfig eth0 netmask mtu 1500" make sure that in both your /etc/ppp/pap-secrets and /etc/ppp/chap-secrets files you have the following: "username@I(internet server provider)" " RELAY_PPP1" "password" all " are important and you should delete every other line in those files, if they exist. then you have to start your connection with pptp protocol. download pptp 1.0.3-mulix from, extract it using tar -zxfv pptp-mulix-1.0.3.tar.gz. then cd to the pptp-1.0.3 directory and type make. if all went well you should be able to give the command: ./pptp debug user "username@I(isp)" remotename " RELAY_PPP1" mtu 1452 mru 1452 noauth to check if that worked type ifconfig -a and check that you have a ppp0 bunch of lines. good luck! I hope I havn´t made any typos - those will kill you in linux... ddav