Advice needed


New member
Advice needed

My situation is as follows: I am Scandinavian, and I have an Israeli boyfriend who I have been with for a few years now. He wants us to live in Israel now, but everything is very confusing for me. I am not sure what would be the best: to convert in Scandinavia (which would take a lot longer since I have to start the conversion process - which probably takes a while, and also be active in a Jewish congregation in Scandinavia for a year) or to go to Israel and convert there? I am assuming converting in Israel would be much harder for me since I don't know Hebrew that well, so I would need to study Hebrew & start converting only after I know it well. Another option would be to get married, I suppose, but it feels wrong to do that just so that I can stay in the same country as him. How would a marriage change the situation for us? And is it true that if I convert in Scandinavia I might have problems when I get to Israel (that they might not approve of the conversion or so)? I am planning on converting in an orthodox congregation if I do it in Scandinavia.


New member
me too

I'm almost in the same situation you are in. I've reading these posts for a few weeks now and only now I've decided to write. I have an israeli boyfriend as well, I live in the US but I'm originally from latin america and in the process of getting my green card. My boyfriend wants to go back to Israel for good and we have been talking about me moving as well. I completely understand his desire to go back to Ha'aretz and I wouldn't want him to stay here just because of me. I don't know how hard it would be to move to Israel but we don't want to be apart either. I've been to Israel twice and it's a beautiful country, my knowledge of hebrew is very basic, just the aleph bet and a few words/phrases. Anyhow I'm just rambling now, I can't offer you any advice but just wanted you to know that there is someone else in a similar situation and it was nice to hear I'm not the only one.


New member
for Samy23

Samy23, I agree, it is nice to know that there are more people in the same situation as me. If I find out something more that I think could be helpful for you I will keep you posted. Good luck with everything!


New member

You do not need to speak hebrew in order to convert in Israel I would suggest seeking out the reform synagogue in Jerusalem (my cousin and good friends work there), and aksing for advice. Otherwise, ANYWHERE in Ranaana should be able to help you. you can do the entire process in english, except for the brachot when you do the mikvah. Mazal tov. HOWEVER: If you marry your boyfriend, then you do not need to convert, because the law of return allows all spouses of jews to immigrate. -J


New member
thanks for the advice!

thank you both. It is a relief to hear that it is possible to start the conversion process without knowing much Hebrew. Then I suppose it is possible to do both things at the same time; study Hebrew in an ulpan while converting? How long does the converting process usually take if you do it in Israel? I talked to a rabbi in Scandinavia that is willing to help me, but he said it would take at least one to two years. I don't mind if it takes a while, but the problem, as I understand it, is that you can't work legally while you convert. Is that correct? So if I have to be in Israel for up to two years without being able to work, it would financially be very difficult, even if I have some savings that I can bring to get me started.