alija of toshav hozer


New member
alija of toshav hozer

anybody has information about possibilities of toshaw hozer who wants with wife and child (14) to go back to israel and settle in the Galil? Have no special financial resources but am fed up of living abroad and want to live within jews after living 30 years in Germany unfortunately did not make money so i need some generous help but we are nice people,both observing the religion (almost) and want to go home.............


New member
If you are married

To one who is eligible under the law of return than you might be considered as "Mishpahat Olim", and you should see a Shaliach. if not - than you should go to the consulate and arrange your coming home process. You can also enquire there of your rights as a Toshav Hozer. Also, Misrad Haklita helps Toshavim Hozrim. here is a link:


New member

Indeed after 30 years you will be considered as an OLEH HADASH. Have you heard of Eben Ezer? this is a German organization helping jewish asking to make Aliya (understood you're from Germany, right?). Alternatively, you may contact a shipping company like Vayer, Universe Transit and they will guide you on the process and costs. i only know of Universe contact details: [email protected] Good luck,


New member
How long outside Israel to be Oleh

I made Aliyah in 1970, received Israeli citizenship, and lived on a kibbutz until 1980. In 1980 I returned to the USA and have been here ever since. Now I want to go home to Israel and I was told that I am considered a Toshevet Hozeret (after 26 years). Is there some official rule that allows you to be considered Oleh Hasash after a specific time out of the country? Not that it will make any difference in my will to return, just wondering.