1st aliyah
The merkaz aliya told me that I am considered Ktina Chozeret - not oleh chadash. The first aliya was very difficult for me for many reasons. My parents got divorced when I was 17.5 and my mother moved to Israel. I was at an age where I still needed my mother but with complete independence. I think my Aliya failed becuz the timing was awful. My parents just got divorced, my mom was nervous becuz she I guess she had financial burden (although I was not aware of it at the time). I felt very lonely in Israel. I had no friends and although Israelis are very friendly, there was a major mentality gap. I remember looking at streets signs and missing to see English street signs or simple things like calling the phone company and the conversation would not be in English. I was forced into a situation that took me away from my life of friends and freedom. I was also used to a more pampered life (car, phone, my own room, tv, etc.) and in Israel, my mom couldn't afford it. She got nervous easily and it was a hard time for her. After a while, I decided to come back and live on my own in NY. That was 20 years ago and now I am doing exactly what my mother did. Making an Aliya with 2 young kids. My younger sisters were 5+8 when my mom got divorced and they moved to Israel. It's much easier for kids to get adjusted. In my opinion, teenagers, young adults, and elders have the hardest time adjusting. We moved to Canada when I was 8 and I adjusted beautifully. And at 13, we moved to NY and I adjusted again very smoothly. I guess I didn't adjust to Israel at 18 becuz of the circumstances. What do you think?