
New member

I was made my conversion Process by REform movement by rabbi comes here to Colombia with Beit Din. Here in Colombia dont exists Reform congregations and we are noy accepted by Ortodox and Conservative conmunities. Its ismpossible for me to make Aliya? I dont have a community certificacion but I am a JEW!!!. What is the solution??? Guillermo Bogotá


New member
I think yes

A recent verdict given in Israel says that one who made non-orthodox conversion outside Israel is considered "jewish" by immigration laws - thus can make Aliya.


New member
Sorry but...../images/Emo7.gif

If your Rabbi was Kikerman - your conversion will not enable you to make Aliyah. please write to our representative in CAracas: [email protected]


New member
My Rabbi is not Kikerman

Te rabbi was not Kikerman. The Rabbi was JAcques Cukierkorn from de NEw Reform Temple from Kansas and author of the Book Hamadrij. Raquel Selnik in Bogotá, dont have answers for my Quiestions. She suggest my to write directry to de Jewish Agengy in Israel. The convertions of rab Cukierkorn are absolutelly valid in Israel. Thanks and I need real answers. Guillermo


New member
how did he

teach you? was it via e-mail? We are talking about the same Rabbi - i have Misspelled his name.


New member

Excuseme Odelial LAshom Jara?? Your afirmation is very Seriously...Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn is the Rav of New Reform Temple in Kansas city...Is suspended as Rabbi Cukierkorn? Is a false rabbi? You have evidence of this? You know something about mi conversion process? I studied 6 yeaers in a Hebrew School in Bogotá...Rabbi Cukierkorn have a Book of Judaism in Spanish. You Know there are many Yeshivas in Internet from Ortodox Rabbis...Are Jewish Universitie Programs Online to... You have problems with reform conversions? Are you speaking in name of the JEWISH AGENCY or your opinion about JAcques Cukierkorn is personal? If that you say is the truth, why Jewish Agency didnt make actions about???? I am not Jewish for you? Please...Give me your complete name and personal email...Thanks. Guillermo


New member
The Jewish Agency

Cannot decide which conversion is good or nor. The interior ministry of Israel determines that and we give them the paper work they need and help those who want to come to Israel with the bureaucratic process. This Rabbi has made several Giurim and the Israel ministry of Interior is still checking his former Giurim and yet to give approval. Every Giur, If made properly – is fine and the law of return doesn't specify that only an orthodox Giur is legal. We, at the Jewish agency do not "run the country", we are mearly an organization who helps those who are eligible by the law of return to make Aliyah. So, calm down, there is no need for that kind of a language, I am telling you as it is. You can always come to Israel as a tourist and do all of the bureaucratic process on your own.


New member
excume but...

Excusme Odelial...I am Calm but your afirmations about my conversion process validity and about the Rabbi are Seriously, and have negative impact. Conversion process is a very seriosly decision. The rabbi is member of the Reform Movement and have authorization of Israel Goverment to make conversions. I studied for a period of one year with rabbi and before the conversion a was and interwiew with the Beit Din. Why you say to go to Israel to do all de bureacratic Porcess? Here in Colombia there is a office of Jewish Agency, the seheliaj is Raquel Selnik...They have the mission to aid Jews for aliya...why i must go as a Tourist to Israel? I dont undestand. I need the same help needs everyone in teh diaspora and have normal quuestions. So, please aid me. Shalom Guillermo


New member
I belive you

but i have checked and there is a problem with that Rabbi. I will try to get someone to write to you officially from our offices in Jerusalem.


New member
whats the problem?

Please, tell me exactly whats the problem with Rav Jacques Cukierkorn. There are two Ravs Cukierkorn...Celso and JAcques. What you refer? This discusion is kmowing by Mr.Moshe Vigdor, your Director General, and Batia Erlich. Guillermo


New member
this is oficial answer...

Shalom Sr. Guillermo, En el marco de nuestros servicios virtuales puedo referirme a que su pregunta se verifico y tambien derivamos su gestion y/o pregunta a nuestras oficinas locales mas cercanas a su lugar de residencia. En general, puedo afirmar que los tramites que incluyen documentacion sobre conversiones al judaismo, son tratados especificamente por la Division de Eligibilidad del departamento de Alia en colaboracion con el Ministerio del Interior en Israel, que conjuntamente verifican estas documentaciones. Existe una etapa previa que es la de la verificacion de la documentacion con el Movimiento Religioso dentro del cual de realizo la conversion. O sea, verificar si el rabino que hizo la conversion y la conversion misma estan aceptadas por el Movimiento religioso dentro del cual este rabinos trabaja. En este tema' el de la eligibilidad para hacer ALIA, nuestras oficinas no tienen la autonomia ni el mandato de decidir por si misma, sino respetando las leyes y disposiciones oficiales. Estas verificaciones oficiales no son automaticas y pueden llevar su tiempo que no es posible determinar de antemano. Asi que lamentamos que la respuesta definitiva a su pedido/ pregunta todavia no este en sus manos. Le deseamos lo mejor atentamente Batia Batia Erlich Global Alia Center America Latina e Hispano Parlantes [email protected]


New member
I suggest you

To see the following LINK¨ I give you have contrary ones? directly information of Emeritus Rabbi JAcques Cukierkorn. This is an Ortodox persecution for reform ravs? Guillermo


New member
please write me

Odelial, please send me your email to [email protected] The Jewish Agency Here in Colombia and in Venezuela dont have Answers to my quiestions. Shavua Tov Guillermo Santofimio Bogotá


New member

hola mi nombre es andres, soy colombiano..y acabo de regresar de israel, segun tengo entendido, como dijeron anteriormente toda conversion noortodoxa que se haya realizado fuera de israel es valida, pero hayque tener en cuenta que la desicin final la toman en israel, tambien tienes que tener en cuenta que si emigras a israel, para el estado seras considerado como judio, pero cuando necesites realizatr alguna actividad religiosa (matrimonio, bar/bat mitzva, circumcicion, o entierro) no se te va a considerar como judio, sino que tendras que ir a algun representante del movimiento reformista, tienes que tener claro que en Israel la religion esta controlada por la ortodoxia, y toda persona que alla hecho una conversion no ortodoxa o halajica se le considera como no judio.... bye [email protected]