Aliyah from Canada


New member

hey Dan, I understand why you don't understand...well u see it's rather a long story but yes i am from the FSU 15 years ago. I have been in Canada for 5 years now. I lived in USA for 10 and I have criminal record there. I have applied here in canada three times already but every time there is a different reason for denial. First there was no proof of my Jewishness(which I do have), then the criminal record,(I also have that :) ) and after that, now I have to go back to Russia in order to be accepted? It is the last one that I do not get at all. if the criminal record is the issue what does it matter where I am coming from?? And then there is the impossibility for me to go to Russia since I am not a citizen there... So round and round we go...for 4 years now! can somebody do something about tthis???


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Wondering? Mr. dmitryboris

What kind of criminal record do you have? Do you have residential permit in the United States or Canada? Maybe if you can explain the "criminal record"; your chances of getting a permit to return to Israel becomes better.


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Aliyah from Canada

Shalom, I was wondering if there were any changes in the Law of Return or in the aliyah procedure (criminal record, etc.) in the New year from the North Americas? I am in Canada and have been applying for 4 years now but have quite a difficulty! Tov toda Shabat shalom


New member

I have forgery record from US, bad checks, basically... I have never been to israel ergo cannot "return".. I am in Canada now under deprtation and I have nothing in US and I cannot come as a tourist because I am officially no passport!


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Hope you dont mind me asking.

How you survive without a passport? Do you work illegally? How you manage to open a bank account without social security number? God! You must be suffering! Where are you logging into this forum from, internet cafe? Where are u staying? Please take care! I think Jafi should send somebody over to Canada if it is true Dmitry is a real Jew!


New member
Not at all!

I have a work permit and a job:) I work at the University of Calgary and wait for the Immigration to find me a country...But no one is doing anything so we are kinda of in a vicious circle. I am not really suffering, man it is just very frustrating and sometimes kinda annoying not to have a country! :)


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Odelial - do something to help....

...a fellow Jew. He must have done the forged documents in a time of desperation; what with so much anti semitism in the USA. Dmitry, please post a contact number to Odelial, she is a nice person, maybe she can do some work for you! Probably the biggest problem you have will be with the internal ministry. I guess u are a special case. If the Israel state could rescue Ethopian Jews who has no papers; i am sure Dmitry can be helped.


New member

Hi kongtc. Which number would u like me to post? my e-mail is [email protected] I have been in contact with the Toronto office of the Schaliach and they have my file. if Odelial needs my particulars please do not hesitate to contact me! or do u need a phone number? Thank u!


New member
If the toronto office...

couldn't help you, than someting is probebly seriously wrong. if you have an aliyah file number i can ask the Shaliach and check things for you.


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file number

Okay,odelial here is the number: 21431 does this look right? Anyway that's what a very nice lady from the office gave me! Loking forward to hearing from you!