aliyah from So. Fla.?


New member
aliyah from So. Fla.

Hello, Susie....great hearing from you. And thnx for your note! In answer to your questions: Yes, I'm going w/ N b'N. and have met w/ Moshe a couple of times. All my paperwork is done and I'm now waiting for approval. If you don't mind, where in So. Fla. are you? (I'm in N. Miami, going to Jrslm.) Where are you planning on living? How far into the process are you omer


New member
aliyah from So. Fla.?

Anybody making aliyah from So. Fla. in the summer? I'm interested in meeting you online (from Fla. or other parts of the US) if possible, so that we'll have some friends in the plane! (well, actually, before.....) Maybe we can even start a group in Yahoo! (even if small at first....) ANYONE? Omer (So. Fla. ----> Jrslm, kaitz 2006)


New member
Hi, find a Shaliach../images/Emo222.gif

nearest you, call the Jafi office and ask if they connect you with more people making Aliyah from your city. here is the link: Good Luck