all u wanna know about season 4...
season 4 information.... :נושא ok, it`s no secret that Prue dies at the end of this season, (Shax, the source`s assasain kills her) so instead of her, comes a long-lost sister...paige (Rose McGowan to the guy who asked) appearently their mom had an affair with a whitelighter and they had a secret child.. hence the 4th sister so piper finds her by a spell to call a lost sister (in an attempt to bring Prue back) and so they come together and the power of 3 is alive again they kill Shax right in the first ep of the 4th season...and in the 15th episode the KILL the source...(amazing episode! DON`T MISS!) anyhow...the source`s powers transfer to cole, who can`t control it and the source takes over him.... there was 1 more irrelevant episode after that where phoebe FINALLY decided to marry cole.. to those of you who are sick of this ``channel 3`` that is about 1 year late... you can find ALL the episodes of season 3 and 4 in both Kazza and mirc... in mirc connect to the DALNet server and goto #charmed-episodes you don`t have to wait for channel 3 to wake up and bring in the new season... NJOY (by the way..i`m writing in english cause i have no hebrew fonts
season 4 information.... :נושא ok, it`s no secret that Prue dies at the end of this season, (Shax, the source`s assasain kills her) so instead of her, comes a long-lost sister...paige (Rose McGowan to the guy who asked) appearently their mom had an affair with a whitelighter and they had a secret child.. hence the 4th sister so piper finds her by a spell to call a lost sister (in an attempt to bring Prue back) and so they come together and the power of 3 is alive again they kill Shax right in the first ep of the 4th season...and in the 15th episode the KILL the source...(amazing episode! DON`T MISS!) anyhow...the source`s powers transfer to cole, who can`t control it and the source takes over him.... there was 1 more irrelevant episode after that where phoebe FINALLY decided to marry cole.. to those of you who are sick of this ``channel 3`` that is about 1 year late... you can find ALL the episodes of season 3 and 4 in both Kazza and mirc... in mirc connect to the DALNet server and goto #charmed-episodes you don`t have to wait for channel 3 to wake up and bring in the new season... NJOY (by the way..i`m writing in english cause i have no hebrew fonts