Am I Jewish?
Of course, if I have to ask... but. I keep the Torah, declare the Shema, keep His Feasts, and honor His Sabbath. I long to migrate to Israel. Which is my destination. My question is, what are the "man made" requirements for me to be considered part of Judaism? A Jew. I am fully conviced I am a member of Israel, one of the lost tribes and currently in bondage in the last where I was scattered... I will be re-unified with my homeland as the two sticks will be re-united. My relionship with G_d is just that... mine. I offer to Him the Oblation sacrifices (prayer) every morning and evening at an alter I built to Him. I am in covenential relationship with YHWH. I live in a log cabin pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I was raised "Christian" and in my quest to know G_d, I was led directly back to the ONE TRUE G_d of Israel. I attended seminary, studied Eschatology (for 20 years) and now I reject much of what Christianity teaches (divinity of Yahshua, Trinity, Virigin Birth, etc. etc.) and I honor and actively participate in the Everylasting Covenant. I do, however, strongly believe that Yahshua met every condition laid out in the prophets as the Messiah ben Joseph and the Spring Feasts. And I do expect Yahshua to further fulfill those prophecies of the Messiah ben David and the Fall Feasts. That would make me Messianic Jew. I want to migrate to Israel, come home. What in order are the steps to first convert to Judaism and next to migrate? Shalom... Hear O Israel, YHWH Elohim is ONE!