Am I Jewish?


New member
Question not comment

I did not post a comment. I asked a question. I honestly want an answer. Am I a Jew? Maybe you are not the one to answer. I am asking from the standpoint of the Right of Return. I will return either way.


New member
I accept it all

Actually, you are wrong about me. I accept every one of the 13 principles and I pray only to YHWH. Furthermore: · That the Torah will not be changed. The Creator will not give another Torah. · That it is proper to pray only to the Creator. It is not proper to pray to anything else. I agree 100%. So you obviously either misunderstood or did not read what I originally wrote. I do NOT believe in the Trinity or the divinity of Yahshua. In fact, I believe the Torah will go forth from Jerusalem as the standard of government during the Millennial Reign. I believe the entire planet will be goverened by it. I believe the entire planet will celebrate His Feasts, keep His Commandments, and keep His Sabbath. Furthermore... "Christianity" is the false religion of Rome. I am NOT a Christian. Maybe there is no definition for what I am. Except Sealed Servant: Signed - Sabbath Sealed - Shema Delivered - Salvation So since you misunderstood and made assumptions as to what I believe, maybe you now can accurately answer my question. Yahshua was a Jewish Rabbi. Taught the Torah, kept His Commandments, kept His Sabbath. The Christian Church does not know Yahshua or YHWH. They are pagan. I am not.


New member
I know

Yes, I know who and what I am. And I agree with what you have said. The House of Judah (Jews) are in rebellion against their Messiah. And the House of Israel (Church) is in rebellion against their Father. Sad, but ordained to be so. What I have discovered is the House of Israel has not yet been released from their bondage. The House of Judah seems to be free to go home. But they are as possessive of our God, YHWH, and His Land, City, Temple as always. And anyone NOT of the House of Judah need not apply. I will go home, when He releases me. I believe Yahshua is NOW Elohim upon his resurrection he was begotton. I do not believe Yahshua is YHWH, the everlasting almighty YHWH Elohim. I believe I too will be begotton Elohim upon resurrection in my own order. Yahshua is YHWH's Proxy. My elder brother, my eternal High Priest, my King, the first born son of YHWH, my Yom Kippur, my Passover Lamb. But there is only ONE God. And His name if YHWH Elohim (Lord God). And I keep His Commandments because I love Him. I declare His Shema as His Seal, and I honor and keep Holy His Sabbath as a sign I am His son.


New member
Am I Jewish?

Of course, if I have to ask... but. I keep the Torah, declare the Shema, keep His Feasts, and honor His Sabbath. I long to migrate to Israel. Which is my destination. My question is, what are the "man made" requirements for me to be considered part of Judaism? A Jew. I am fully conviced I am a member of Israel, one of the lost tribes and currently in bondage in the last where I was scattered... I will be re-unified with my homeland as the two sticks will be re-united. My relionship with G_d is just that... mine. I offer to Him the Oblation sacrifices (prayer) every morning and evening at an alter I built to Him. I am in covenential relationship with YHWH. I live in a log cabin pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I was raised "Christian" and in my quest to know G_d, I was led directly back to the ONE TRUE G_d of Israel. I attended seminary, studied Eschatology (for 20 years) and now I reject much of what Christianity teaches (divinity of Yahshua, Trinity, Virigin Birth, etc. etc.) and I honor and actively participate in the Everylasting Covenant. I do, however, strongly believe that Yahshua met every condition laid out in the prophets as the Messiah ben Joseph and the Spring Feasts. And I do expect Yahshua to further fulfill those prophecies of the Messiah ben David and the Fall Feasts. That would make me Messianic Jew. I want to migrate to Israel, come home. What in order are the steps to first convert to Judaism and next to migrate? Shalom... Hear O Israel, YHWH Elohim is ONE!


New member
As far as i know

Messianic Jew are not eligible according to the law of return. see this link:


New member

Judaism is made up of many laws. If your mother is Jewish you are Jewish, in spite of what sort of Jew you are. This is technical as it is easier to prove who a child's mother is. Emotionally and intellectually you are considering this change and you could inquire at the local Synagogue, how to go about conversion.