American guys

  • פותח הנושא me85
  • פורסם בתאריך


New member
American guys

I've been in the US for a few months now and dated a few guys, all fun and sweet, but I always find myself doing the first step once we start dating, I don't know if they are afraid do kiss me first (for example) because I'm from a diffarent country or because that it is the way things are (or maybe I'm just dating good guys..) what do you think?
סתם סקרנות..

אין לי עיצות חכמות, רק שאלה סקרנית: למה בעצם את חושבת שזה קשור לזה שהם אמריקאים? אולי זה פשוט סוג האנשים שאת בסופו של דבר נמשכת אליהם? אולי את מאוד דומיננטית, או זריזה? שאלה כנה, בלי ציניות- האם יצא לך "לדגום" כמה לאומים ורק האמריקאים ככה איתך?


New member

I was wondering if that is the way american guys are, because I never dated anyone exept of american and israeli guys. I'm not expecting a guy to "JUMP" at me, and I don't think I'm going fast- I just found it wierd that the guys I dated here never did "the first move", it could be because for all of them I was the first girl that is not american that they went out with or because that is the way things are in small american towns...