As promised, pictures....


New member
As promised, pictures.... ../images/Emo8.gif

Hey guys! Just a small clearification, I can read hebrew from any computer here, so you can respond in hebrew. I got to a part in my trip where internet is quite accessible and due to bad weather that is preventing me from going to the beach and surf, I'm having quite enough free time on my hands for the internet. So I promised some pictures, here are some... Thanks a lot for all of the responses for my former thread, I only saw it now, so I'll reply here, sorry for the mess: Barbie that Hamshir is amazing! thanks
Belli I'm sure whatever dress you choose will be perfect, after all, it's not the dress that makes the bride, it's the other way around
Hadasi I love you guys too very much Brayen, I'll keep the Australian coast playing, you keep the singles club forum playing
Star, since you have no complaints regarding beautiful view pics, I'm taken the libarty to upload some and don't worry I won't forget the Koalas and Kangaroos, working on it as we speak... Mori... take a big big
which says everything, I hope Hatul you're so right, got no excuses for that, so I decided to check for plane back, and guess what, the only plane which goes back is on the 11 of January, from New Zealand
Just kidding, I don't know yet if I'll return earlier, it really depends on how I feel as I go... DD... thanks a lot, doing my best here
Sartush, I'm still waiting for you here, if you tell me you're not coming you'll break my heart... Shirush, you're turning them against me? shame on you... Miss you a lot sweetie, you know that
That's about it, enjoy the pictures and hopefully I'll be available more for internet during the following weeks... Love you all, Nir.


New member

Me, getting ready for cliff climbing near Philip Island Beach.... About the hair, I know it's high, I need a haircut, working on it. And the shirt is Thermic Shirt, design especially for walking tracks, so although it looks gay, I have not turned into one.


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אני אגלה לך סוד

הבנתי שאתה יכול לקורא בעיברז, פשוט היה בא לי לכתוב באינגלז... תמונות יפות, אתה עושה לכולם לקנא, (יש לך מזל שאני מתכננת על טיול כזה בקרוב גם... אחרת, לא הייתי עוצרת אותם ולא הייתי מוחקת את כל תגובות הנאצה שנכתבו עליך... אתה לא מבין כמה זה מתיש!!!!)
סתם, סתם... תמשיך להינות ולהרואת לנו נופים יפים, ותזכור - טיפים בשבילי, אוסטרלים לכמה בנות פה ולפחות שתי קואלות.


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ידעתי! ../images/Emo9.gif היה ברור לפי הכותרת שנתת שם ../images/Emo3.gif



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It was...

Although now I'm in Bayron beach and today the sun is finally out, so I went to the beach and got burned as hell... They told me that there's no Ozon here but this is just crazy, half an hour in the sun is more than enough to get burned... But I bought a sunscreen and tomorrow surfing time starts.... Simply Utopia in Bayron Bay...


New member

תשמור על עצמך!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 תהיה לבן מרוב קרם לא אכפת לי, מה זה זה?????????? לא מוכנה לשמוע דברים כאלה יותר! התפקיד שלנו לשמור על שיר התפקיד שלך לשמור על עצמך!