Bogong cup days 1, 2, 3

David Gerby

New member
Bogong cup days 1, 2, 3../images/Emo42.gif

Hi We are in Mount Beauty which is foot launch sites for a change. We had already 3 days of competitions and we are two Israeli pilots after Ron has joined us. He is flying great with his new Litespeed S and made goal twice. He is in 17'th position now. On the second task he landed 3 km short of goal. Ilan still has problems tuning the glider and didn't fly today. I have heard you had a big storm in Israel. Here it;s 4/8 cu clouds at 2500 m cloud base. Very beautiful and tempting Although Ilan doesn't fly much we can keep enjoying here and not stopping laughing from funny Ron. Message from Ron: Ahalan chevre. We miss you all up there Israel team down under

חגי זיו

New member
Is Ron realy better than Ilan?

I remembre Ron as a good pilot but not that good... By the way , tell him next time he comes to IL to show him a pic i have of him and me hugging in Mevo-Hama after taking off from Zichron(myself) and Karmelia (him) ... it was about 4-5 years ago What about Ilarm ???? is he upset and in a bed mood? i hope he wont give up

David Gerby

New member
Bogong cup day 4

It looks like the wind is stronger this morning with no clouds. The task committee needs more time so they delayed the decision to 13.00 About the forum - I don't see a reason blocking Hagai because usualy he answers professional answers. I wish Hagai to understand not everyone knows him and try to be a bit softer with new people coming to the forum so it will be more inviting to add messages of new visitors. Ilan is not that upset but he is also not that happy after spending so much money coming here and buying a new glider and finally not enjoying the competitions. We have great atmosphere so that what cheers him up. I don't remember ron's level when he was an Israeli but I remember when I was a new pilot that he was good. Now he has good experience from Florida and flying with the bests at home (L.A) like Kraig Coomber who is 8'th in the world. He got used to the new glider quite fast.

David Gerby

New member
Bogong - updates../images/Emo188.gif

Yesterday was overcasting like hell and it looked like there will not be a task. although we climbed to Mt. Emu and the first glider took off. It was Alberto from Spain who started to sink slowly while everybody watching him going straight to the LZ with no movement of rising air. Suddenly he started to turn on a 0.2 and after a while he was back in the launch alt again. Pilots kept launching because there was a push call from number 47. The sky were looking like Zichron at a bad day. Very fast I heard a report from Ilan at cloud base and Angelo who were flying together. The task was 72.3km . Ilan has landed 13 km before 1'st TP (about 25km out), and Ron has landed 8.5km before goal which is 14'th place that day . Only 10 pilots made it to goal that day. Ron is now at 18'th position around quite famous names. Today we drove 1.30 hours to Mt. Pines but while everybody almost finished setting the gliders there was a thunder sound. The safty committee decided to cancell the day and once the last zipper zipped up, the rain started- like always. Now it's raining and we hope that tomorrow (the last day) will be good for flying. After the competition we have 6 more days together untill the 5th of Feb. then I will be staying here for a while and Ilan will start his way back home

חגי זיו

New member
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