Can’t get the stink off!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ronnie Rocks

New member
Can’t get the stink off!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pardon my English, but I gotta vent, and when I do, I cannot do it in any other language! I just wanted to tell you about the stink I've been living with lately... Have you ever been in a situation when you wanted so badly to lost it altogether, to just get sanity kicked off your head for just one split second, just enough for you to do something crazy and get it over with?! Well, that stink is getting to be a part of my life, a fixture that just sits there, eroding me up inside slowly, taking its time, the little bastard! You'd think after so much time, I'd get used to it... I mean, you smell it for so long, until you get numb to it, until it becomes a part of you... a disgusting part, but a congruent part, that just keeps nudging you to do something, but you are totally unable! Totally UNABLE! I don't know what it is, I mean, I know no one here, and yet I allow myself to just lash out at these pages, like a steel sounding board, waiting to be slammed and banged and ripped apart... Umm... maybe it's just that: I don't know you, and that's why I can say and do whatever the hell comes to mind! And... maybe it's something else... Maybe it's the Radiohead language we've got in common, maybe you know me, without even realizing it, maybe I'm a part of you and you're a part of me, but... the STINK... You don't know the STINK! It just isn't a part of you...! Is there a God? Umm... if you see him roaming around the corridors of hell, ask him if he would wrestle with me, just a little... worst case scenario, I lose... either way, I win... Hell can't be worse than earth! Ron wants out! OUT!!! You do it to yourself, you do! And that's what really hurts is You do it to yourself just you, You and no one else! You do it to yourself!!!!!!!!

Ronnie Rocks

New member
../images/Emo6.gif We'll show him!

Come over and bring him with you, we'll show him not to mess with us! By the way, now that I think about it, who says he's a "he"... I don't beat girls up...!​


New member

אני לא רוצה להתבכיין או משהו. רק להגיד שבמשך הרבה זמן סבלתי מדיכאון קליני ובעיות של סמים וכל מיני חרא כאלה. אני בן 21 עכשיו ורק לפני חצי שנה, באוגוסט, התחלתי לחיות. החיים לא מגעילים כמו שאתה חושב. ושינויים תמיד באים בבום. יום אחד אתה קם בבוקר והכל פשוט בסדר. סמים באמת משפרים את המצב אבל מונעים ממנו להיות מושלם, אבל בסוף הכל מסתדר איכשהו. באמת. יהיה טוב.

Mode Designer

New member
lost and found

I no longer have a hebrew keyboard, so i stopped writing 2 months ago, but your words really touched me. as a clinical psychologist i could of course analyze every bit of what u said, but i want to step out of the professional role and just say that you have much more in commom with common people than u may think. it's admirable that u are able to put this so-called "stink" in the open. u also chose an interesting wording to describe it. looks like u have been dealing with a lot of conflicting dimensions of yourself that u are not sure if u want them to be a part of who u r (cause they stink)... well maybe they don't, u know. maybe when u embrace all the aspects of who u know u really r, underneath it all, u'll see that it doesn't stink at all. i once wrote here something about tom york embracing his depressive position (or on a local scale hemi rodner "the melancholy, my wife). but the stink u r referring to could be anything u have not yet accepted/integrated about your identity. gosh, and there i was saying i'm not going to analyze anything.... By the way, i thought that what "21thRevol" wrote was just inspirational , brave and so empathically attuned to what has been the less fortunate times of many people's life. i cherish it! i missed many people in this forum so i hope to go back to writing more soon.