Computer Game Consept Artisit Neede

Michael Rudich

New member
Computer Game Consept Artisit Neede

Concept Artists work directly with team lead artists and designer and are responsible for creating the concepts in accordance to the Style Guide for each game. You should be someone who has strengths in environments as well as character work; you should also have the ability to paint as well as sketch quick penciled (or inked) sketches. Some experience in storyboards and/or comics is a plus. Please send 3-4 sketches (QUICK b&w sketches of people or creatures and places) preferably of different genres (Fantasy, sci-fi, horror, etc.), as well as 1-2 full color drawings. PLEASE no more then 2MB for everything unless you have a Webpage with examples of your work. Needed skill include: • Ability to set a look & feel of what the character is about, often several roughs are made to create this, these should be made quickly. • Understanding of anatomy, and basically making a blueprint of how the character should be built. Often this is drawn for the modelers in a "t-pose" or partial "t-pose". • Understand material + texture drawings. These are drawings that have the material qualities of the character in them. To be considered you must be able to • Quick Sketching and drawing ability. • Be familiar with Photoshop, and a high capacity to learn new tools. • Have a strong background in traditional art skills. • Preferably have experience with 3-D software (Max or Maya). • Be familiar with Computer/Video games. • Must have above-average English. • All candidates must deliver a full resume with samples to be considered. • MUST be able to demonstrate all of the above. For examples of excellent concept artist's work please visit: If you're interested or know anyone who is interested please get in touch with me at [email protected] with CV and examples, or with questions.