Considering an aliyah


New member
know hebrew

thanks. i do speak hebrew fluently. it is only my reading and writing that could use some work, though i'm sure it won't be that hard for me.


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katin hozer

Thanks. I emailed the people in regards to that and they told me that i was a katin hozer as well. I think you are right about my hebrew improving. I don't think it should be a problem for me at all. Thanks so much for your reply and your excellent advice. I appreciate it. ~malli


New member
Considering an aliyah

Hi. I am 21 years old and currently live in Florida. My family is doing an aliyah in April and they want me to do it as well. Anyone have any thoughts or advice about this? Such as what are the benefits of doing an aliyah for someone my age? Is it a good idea? I'm a little bit worried about it. I was born in Israel but moved here when i was 4. I speak hebrew fluently but my reading/writing could use some work. I have done 2 years of university and then i left but i am now considering going back to school in Israel. I heard that schools in Israel were much more tougher and would be difficult for someone going from an American University to one in Israel. Is this true? Would it be a problem with transferring the credits i already have? Pretty much anything you can tell me about doing an aliyah would be helpful. Thanks in advance to anyone who replies. ~Malli


New member
consider Aliyah

I cannot tell you about the benefits, as they are usually emotional/spiritual, and that varies with each person. However, I have heard that when going to an Israeli university, a knowledge of English will give you a great adventage over the other people, as it is required for a lot of courses.


New member
thanks for your reply

Thanks. I have heard this too. I was really worried about my hebrew not being so perfect especially reading and writing. But it's good enough that i probably will learn quickly.


New member
consider Aliyah

I cannot tell you about the benefits, as they are usually emotional/spiritual, and that varies with each person. However, I have heard that when going to an Israeli university, a knowledge of English will give you a great adventage over the other people, as it is required for a lot of courses.