Conversion and Aliyah


New member

I think it's a nice thing of you to do wanting to jin the army .. You will have to ask in the embassy about this, but I dont think that itwil be a problem to be a soldier and to convert as well.


New member
that's not possible

You will probably not be able to obtain an immigrant status without being Jewish first, and one of the consequences are that you will not be able to join the military The military only recruits Israeli citizens, so you have to become one first BTW, what age are you? the military has age limits. also I don't believe the military provides conversion services for people in the force


New member

As far as I know, and you are best advised to talk to your Jewish Agency Shaliach locally (as they have all the facts!) you can't become a citizen of Israel without making Aliyah and to make Aliyah you have to be able to claim right of return. It's possible to undergo a conversion programme in Israel though as far as I am aware you have to be eligible for the Law of Return to be able to undergo conversion in Israel, at least Orthodox conversion. See here: If you are interested to find out more about the Reform movement and conversion you can contact someone from Beit Daniel synagogue in Tel Aviv who can advise. I believe that there is a program to help existing Israeli citizens who are not halachically Jewish to convert under the Orthodox Beit Din whilst in the IDF but again you have to be an existing citizen. Your best bet is to see what options are available to you by talking to your Shaliach and local rabbis.


New member
Conversion and Aliyah

Hello everyone. I have wanted to undergo a conversion to Judaism for the past couple of years, but there isn't an Orthodox synagogue in my area. I know the big step this will be and the challenges I will face(especially with an Orthodox conversion) but I am completely committed and will do whatever it takes. As things have progressed I've seriously entertained the idea of making Aliyah once I completed my conversion. A friend of mine has told me that he has heard of people actually going to Israel to convert. So I was wondering if you guys had any information on that. If you do, I would be very grateful. Thank you


New member

Do not convert in Israel. It is a long and sometimes a not very pleasant process.