Conversion for Family members


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Conversion for Family members

Dear All, the non-jewish mother of a recent Argentinian immigrant who converted to Judaism over ten years ago, wishes to convert to Judaism also now. The mother came to visit her daughter and fell in love with the country and religious etc etc. She was told that it would be easier to return to Argentina to do the courses, but she wishes to remain here. Do you know oh any Argentinian, Spanish speaking Rabbis in Israel? Do you know of a center that can provide her with more information? They would be greatful for any information. Shana Tova, lila


New member

Hi In general, the mother cannot go through "Giur" In Israel and then be considerd "Oleh Hadash". Even if she finds a Rabbi here, the Religious court will not accept/Acknowledge the "Giur". She needs to go back to Argentina and do it there. only In rare cases it is possible to do it in Israel. you can call for more details at the 'Hitachdut' 03-6851144/5