Converting in Israel
As I've written here before, I am thinking of moving to Israel with my Israli boyfriend. I currently live in Scandinavia, and I have two options: to convert in Scandinavia or in Israel. I've already gotten some answers that have to do with converting in Israel, but I am still wondering about a few things: How long does the converting process usually take if you do it in Israel? I talked to a rabbi in Scandinavia that is willing to help me, but he said it would take at least one to two years. I don't mind if it takes a while if I do it in Israel as well, but the problem, as I understand it, is that you can't work (legally at least, and illegally is not an option for me) while you convert. Is that correct? So if I have to be in Israel for up to two years without being able to work, it would financially be very difficult, even if I have some savings that I can bring to get me started, or that I can live on for up to a year. Does anyone know about situations like these? What is the most common way to do these things? My boyfriend and I are not married, but have been together for several years, and I have also spent quite a lot of time in Israel, but as a tourist, if that helps.