Dana in USA

Dana in USA

Shalom How is dana doing in USA? was she successfull , did the people of the cities she went to apreciated her performances ?, I realy do hope so , does any one have photo's of her taken from the audience ? and I am very sorry that I been like this about the msn thingy , but It does hurt me very much and I get upset when anyone would block me for no reason , it makes me feel i am this bad girl or something and feel bad for no reason, the reason i am weak, is i been to the doctor and the doctor says i am lossed alot of vitamins, iron and sulpher and gave me pills for it sice , as i am like this since i was robbed and stabbed in my leg and he said i have lossed alot of blood and things seems worse than they realy are ((((hugs))) I am very sorry , BUt i feel very bad about this , and no one realy gave me it was proof if this msn account is Dana's or not...everyone is silent and it does not help me much and it is making me feel anorexic Love Danielle **^_^))


New member

Dana is in USA now.. I think she supposed to perform in Miami on 10/12, in NY on 13/12 & LA on 14/12.... I guess she's coming back to Israel only in the end of the next week.. So when she'll come back we will know more about the performances in USa... Anyway, about the msn messenger, I'm sure it wasn't really Dana, I'll talk to you about that.
Shalom Kristine W

Shalom Thanks very much for the reply I am in crazy negative emoetional overload Thanks
O.K I hope she does very well
Miami is a very nice place
, O.K so she will let peopl;e know about her news when she was in USA , Thanks I just hope it was not her
i feel very awfull about it Love Danielle (((hugs))) Love Danielle