Depressed from Shaliach


New member

First Off I don't even Know how to respond to you. I was a bit angry when I wrote the post. I will answer best I can for you. 1. Yes I was raised in America and born Here. My family ( came from Sweden to America) I am sure you can guess why. 2. My wife fell in love with My Mother and Her Jewishness (YES SHE NEW SHE WAS JEWISH) what kind of a question is that???????? 3. Do you know how many women come to Israel pregnant? you think we were the first? Is it wrong to want our girl born sabra? 4.Yes we had everything planned no we did not use shaliach. Again I have family there, that guided us thru all the steps. We had a home, I had work the day after I arrived there, and we were finacialy stable. We came back a few weeks after the Death of my Wifes first child, My wife had diffuculties with it and wanted to be close to her family how hard is this to understand. Although I did plan on returning to Amercia once a year for Business reasons but no not after 3 months. Did you make Aliyah for financial reasons back in 1998? Moving to Israel for finacial reasons? I do not understand this question. People from America do not move to Israel for finacial gain if this is what you are asking. My problem was this with Shaliach, Questioning me being Jewish. All I wanted to know was did we still have any rights because a friend told me about Sal Klita offered to Americans now (absorbtion Basket). I told her we already had citzenship. Just wanted know if Sal Klita was availiable to us when we returned. And yes it is 6 years later and I want to return, How long did we as a people wait to return to the land promissed us of G-D ? like 6 years is a problem? Thank you for your time Levy


New member
Thnx I understand that

Ok that I understand, and support that myself. I will work with this Shaliach, I would have never have thought of that. Thank you so much Levy


New member
I agree with that

Yes I understand thanks you for the reply. Its hard sometimes to really believe that people would even do something like that but in the real world they do. Levy


New member
Some professional clarification

Shalom. Thank you for all that information. Yes we are citizens, and the Shliach is going to help us thru the passports, When I talked to her last she said she would help me with that. I will also have her contact the Jerusalem office to see if we can apeal as you said. Again thank you so much. Shalom


New member
What about the kids

Another Question. Are my children eligible for Sal Klita ? or any assitance when we return? My wife were just talking and had questions about this.


New member
Depressed from Shaliach

Shalom. I have been following these forums for a long time. I have never posted as I have been here to learn. Heres my story. I was raised secular, but allways knew I was a Jew as it was not a secret in our home. When I was young, I visited Israel with my family for 3 months, I fell in love with Israel at age 13. I have an aunt who has lived there for some 25 years. My Wife and Myself decided to become part of a community when I was 30 years of age. I had for some reason decided I wanted to be more Jewish to understand who I was where I came from. So went spent a few years with a Rabbi, We were married by the same Rabbi and my wife did a conversion prior to this as she told me she wanted what ever it was my mother had. We decided to make aliyah in 1998. We moved to Israel. We changed our status while there. My wife was pregnant and we wanted the Child to be Born in Israel, We lost the baby durring birth she was barried in givat sha'ul. My wife wanted to return to family for a bit, So after only being there for threes months we had to return to USA. Once we arrived my Mother became vary sick and needed our assistance so we moved in with her for the last 6 years. She has now passed away from a disease called crohns ( They say its a genetically jewish disease) So Two children later one 1 month old and one 4 years old, we decide now is the time to return to ISRAEL ( WE SAY ITS TIME TO GO HOME) While in Israel we recieved our Teudat Zehut - teudat oleh - So I decide to contact a Shaliach. I tell her my story, She is in California, I am in Colorado, where we came to live with my mother durring her Time of need (a mitzvah). I called Shaliach to find out what rights if any, we could receive when we return as we used nothing. She says to me she will send out a package to fill out and for me to Bring all the Information I can. when we meet bring anything I recieved in Israel, Not a problem I have records and saved everything. I called her because On a paper she sent she has checked I need a letter from a Rabbi, So I call her I ask why would you need this My Tuedat Zehut Stats i am Yahudy ? She says to prove I was still JEWISH .I WAS LIKE WHAT!!!? WAIT A SECOND HERE. lets recap. I already made aliyah. My Wife and I went through everything to prove this in Israel when we recieved our Teudat Zehut and Teudat Oleh. So now I am like, we just spent 6 years with my Dieing mother and we have no community here (We live UP IN MOUNTAINS OF COLORADO). Yet we Keep Kosher, observe shabbat, Follow the law. Have a katubah, Wifes conversion papers. old letters from My old Rabbi and I need to try to get a new letter to prove I am Jewish ??????????????????? Can anyone here tell me what is the problem here? I am a bit confused. I did not call to make aliyah but to find out what rights if any we could recieve. But when I call I have my Jewsihness questioned. Please help me here We were in such shock!!!