Diabetic Insurance
I am very interested in making aliyah however I feel very restricted by possible health insurance coverage. After speaking with Aliyah Shaliach's several years ago I was unable to get a straight answer regarding health insurance possibliities for severe diabetics. I am a type 1 insulin dependent diabetic. Currently I am using del tech cozmo pump and measure my blood sugar several times a day. Upon making aliyah does anyone know what type of private insurance I can select that will cover my pump supplies, insulin, and test strips monthly? If so do you have any information of about how much one can expect to pay monthly? I am 24 and besides diabetes ( A1C of 6.2 ) I am in good health Thank Gd. Thank you for any help you can give me. marc
I am very interested in making aliyah however I feel very restricted by possible health insurance coverage. After speaking with Aliyah Shaliach's several years ago I was unable to get a straight answer regarding health insurance possibliities for severe diabetics. I am a type 1 insulin dependent diabetic. Currently I am using del tech cozmo pump and measure my blood sugar several times a day. Upon making aliyah does anyone know what type of private insurance I can select that will cover my pump supplies, insulin, and test strips monthly? If so do you have any information of about how much one can expect to pay monthly? I am 24 and besides diabetes ( A1C of 6.2 ) I am in good health Thank Gd. Thank you for any help you can give me. marc