Diabetic Insurance


New member
Diabetic Insurance

I am very interested in making aliyah however I feel very restricted by possible health insurance coverage. After speaking with Aliyah Shaliach's several years ago I was unable to get a straight answer regarding health insurance possibliities for severe diabetics. I am a type 1 insulin dependent diabetic. Currently I am using del tech cozmo pump and measure my blood sugar several times a day. Upon making aliyah does anyone know what type of private insurance I can select that will cover my pump supplies, insulin, and test strips monthly? If so do you have any information of about how much one can expect to pay monthly? I am 24 and besides diabetes ( A1C of 6.2 ) I am in good health Thank Gd. Thank you for any help you can give me. marc


New member
../images/Emo184.gifI wrote

to the ministry of health and i hope that they will give me an answer soon.


New member
I have found../images/Emo39.gif

got into one of the "Kupot Holim" web site. the terms are complicated in English and in Hebrew so i enclose the link - try to find someone who knows hebrew. as far as i could understand - you will get from the Kupa - in regular insurance - 90% - 100% refund on the equipment that you have mentioned. be well


New member
An official answer../images/Emo104.gif

In Israel we have social health insurance. The social health insurance includes insulin pump according to the following restriction: 1. Diabetic type 1 which have one of the following conditions: a. repeating seizures of Neurohypoglycemia b. repeating seizures of KETOACIDOSIS and hypoglycemia that requires hospitalization c. Hemoglobin Level A1C of 7.5 or higher d. Doesn’t reach equilibrium of blood sugar levels after several alternatives treatment including three or more insulin shots a day. 2. A woman with Diabetic type 1 before planned pregnancy or during pregnancy. Health maintenance organization (HMO) can provide different types of insulin pumps, As long as they are considered to be standard treatment. If you answer those limitations of the law, you'll get insulin pump treatment and the required medication from the HMO. We can't assure you that you will get the same pump and insulin you are using today. For more details you should address one of the HMO in Israel. for example: www.clalit.org.il www.leumit.co.il www.meuhedet.co.il www.maccabi-health.co.il This answer was given to me directly from the ministry of health office. Please note the disclaimer at the top of the forum's home page. Check and check again before you make Aliyah – rules keeps changing all the time.