Chaya Lottner

New member

קיבלתי את ההודעה הזו מCPMedical Recent activities by the FDA regarding DMSA have put us in a position of warning you that DMSA may not be allowed to be sold as a dietary supplement much longer. We are embarking on an effort to investigate whether DMSA was sold as a dietary supplement prior to January 30, 1991 when the FDA approved a new drug application for products containing DMSA. If we can show DMSA was sold as a dietary supplement prior to this date then we believe DMSA would be allowed to be classified as a dietary supplement. If we can not find evidence of DMSA being sold as a dietary supplement prior to this date then it is very likely that the new stance taken by the FDA will succeed in removing DMSA from the market place as a dietary supplement. We have ceased purchasing any new raw material at this time and we are now selling out all existing inventory. We are notifying you as a past or current customer of DMSA so that you have the opportunity to purchase DMSA while our supplies last. We are also seeking your support if you can provide any evidence that this ingredient was purchased by you as a dietary supplement prior to January 30, 1991. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Complementary Prescriptions.