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dear dr. kulkarni , i am a four , and last year student of homeopathy . my son ,22 years old,after a journy of almost half a year in india , got a r. brachial vien DVT , when he was on andaman ilands , about two months ago. on US done here , it was seen as a quiet big thrombosis , spread from above elbow till the shoulder , into the chest , almost till the central vien there . it begun with pains, redness, and swellling area. now there is none of this signs . he got there antibiotics pills - 4 , and klexan twice a day . now he is on komadine for the next half year . on rutinal lab liver functions there where found antigens to mononucleosis, and an elevated rate of got- 56, and gpt -127 , enzymes yet on US of liver, it looks proper by all means . .heart eko and pulmunary CT are ok on gentic lab functions there was found an homozygotic MTHFR (PCR). all other gens are ok. before 4 years he had a surgery of varicucella. when he came home from india ,he was anxious , very much , with fear of death , panic, anxiety coming up from stomach , no apetite ,and depressed . i gave him twice acon. 30 and he calmed down my questions : can homeopathy help the body in dissolving the thrombosis,( which some of the doctors said it might not dissolve) and can you think of a remedy that may help him in this way . i looked for a remedy for thrombosis and kali-m , by it's main symptoms of vemulen, caught my eyes . what do you think ,i would like your opinion about the remedy , the potentz , and the way taking it thanks alot , see you , shira .
טיפול ב DVT בהומיאופתיה ../images/Emo98.gif

this case requires a proper case taking and management : דר קולקרני שירה,דר' קולקרני ראה את ההודעה היא נשלחה אליו, במרפאותו ישנם מקרים מוצליחם של ריפוי DVT אצל נשים לאחר לידה . בתיאור שנתת אין מספיק נתונים לקביעת הרמדי כמו כן לקביעת מינון הרמדי, בספרו של מרפי מופיעות מס רמדיס שמתאימות לטיפול בבעיה, כמו כן בתוכנת aisis אלו הם דברים שנאמרו בשיחתינו בעפ ואני מוסיפה אותן כאן רפואה שלמה, נועה שגיא, הומיאופתיה קלאסית