dear dr. kulkarni , i am a four , and last year student of homeopathy . my son ,22 years old,after a journy of almost half a year in india , got a r. brachial vien DVT , when he was on andaman ilands , about two months ago. on US done here , it was seen as a quiet big thrombosis , spread from above elbow till the shoulder , into the chest , almost till the central vien there . it begun with pains, redness, and swellling area. now there is none of this signs . he got there antibiotics pills - 4 , and klexan twice a day . now he is on komadine for the next half year . on rutinal lab liver functions there where found antigens to mononucleosis, and an elevated rate of got- 56, and gpt -127 , enzymes yet on US of liver, it looks proper by all means . .heart eko and pulmunary CT are ok on gentic lab functions there was found an homozygotic MTHFR (PCR). all other gens are ok. before 4 years he had a surgery of varicucella. when he came home from india ,he was anxious , very much , with fear of death , panic, anxiety coming up from stomach , no apetite ,and depressed . i gave him twice acon. 30 and he calmed down my questions : can homeopathy help the body in dissolving the thrombosis,( which some of the doctors said it might not dissolve) and can you think of a remedy that may help him in this way . i looked for a remedy for thrombosis and kali-m , by it's main symptoms of vemulen, caught my eyes . what do you think ,i would like your opinion about the remedy , the potentz , and the way taking it thanks alot , see you , shira .
dear dr. kulkarni , i am a four , and last year student of homeopathy . my son ,22 years old,after a journy of almost half a year in india , got a r. brachial vien DVT , when he was on andaman ilands , about two months ago. on US done here , it was seen as a quiet big thrombosis , spread from above elbow till the shoulder , into the chest , almost till the central vien there . it begun with pains, redness, and swellling area. now there is none of this signs . he got there antibiotics pills - 4 , and klexan twice a day . now he is on komadine for the next half year . on rutinal lab liver functions there where found antigens to mononucleosis, and an elevated rate of got- 56, and gpt -127 , enzymes yet on US of liver, it looks proper by all means . .heart eko and pulmunary CT are ok on gentic lab functions there was found an homozygotic MTHFR (PCR). all other gens are ok. before 4 years he had a surgery of varicucella. when he came home from india ,he was anxious , very much , with fear of death , panic, anxiety coming up from stomach , no apetite ,and depressed . i gave him twice acon. 30 and he calmed down my questions : can homeopathy help the body in dissolving the thrombosis,( which some of the doctors said it might not dissolve) and can you think of a remedy that may help him in this way . i looked for a remedy for thrombosis and kali-m , by it's main symptoms of vemulen, caught my eyes . what do you think ,i would like your opinion about the remedy , the potentz , and the way taking it thanks alot , see you , shira .