DXNL 1597 - Nov 12, 2008 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: [email protected]) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: [email protected]) VP8/A - ANTARCTICA Alex,RV1ZC (ex-UA1ZCK), is overwintering at the Russian Vostok base. He will be active as R1ANC in CW/SSB/digital modes on several HF bands. QSL via RN1ON, direct or via bureau. --- OP0OL is the callsign of Joel,ON5XX, who is staying at Patriot Hills between Nov 10 and Dec 18. Joel prefers CW but is not an experienced DXpeditioner or contester and asks for your patience during his QSOs. QSLs via ON5XX. --- Meanwhile Nicolas,FT5YI (F4EGX), hit the airwaves from the French base Dumont D'Urville where he will stay until mid December. He has been spotted in SSB on 14200-14210 kHz around 0830 UTC. Interesting photos can be found at: http://f4egx.homelinux.net A3 - TONGA, OC-049 Nob,A35AU (JA2AAU), Yoshi,A35IC (JA2AIC), Iwao,A35SS (JA2LSS), Iku,A35TE (JA2ATE), and Mori,A35ZS (JA2ZS), plan to activate the island Nuku'alofa (OC-049) in all modes on all bands from Nov 12-16. QSLs direct or via the JARL bureau to their homecalls. C9 - MOZAMBIQUE UY5LW will stay in Mozambique from Nov 13 until Dec 2. He will work with 800 watts signing C91LW in CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10m and plans to join the CQWW CW Contest on 40m single band.QSL via UY5LW. You can find more information online at: http://www.dxer.com.ua/c91lw FG - GUADELOUPE Serge,F6AUS, is active as FG/F6AUS from La Desirade Island (NA-102) from Nov 7-15. He will then go to Les Saintes (NA-114) where he will sign TO2HI from Nov 16 until Dec 3 (including CQWW CW Contest). Serge confirms QSLs very reliably also via bureau. J5 - GUINEA-BISSAU / 6W - SENEGAL Peter,HA3AUI, will be back in Western Africa from where he intends to show up as J5UAP and 6W2SC between Nov 15 and Mar 31, 2009. He will use spider beams, verticals and dipoles on 160-10m running 500 watts in 6W and only 100 watts in J5. Peter prefers digital modes but works also some SSB and CW upon request. QSLs direct or via bureau to HA3AUI. S7 - SEYCHELLES Norbert,DL2RNS, is active as S79NS from Nov 1-20. He plans to activate Mahe Island (AF-024) and Desroches Island (AF-033). QSL via homecall. 3B7 - ST BRANDON ISLANDS, AF-015 The trip of Rachid,3B8FQ, planned for October had to be postponed due to transportation problems. His latest plans indicate the leave for St Brandon on Nov 15. Expect him to show up as 3B7FQ in CW and SSB for an uncertain period of time. QSL via K5XK. 3V - TUNISIA Alex,GM0DHZ/AA8YH, is going to start his five week holiday in Tunisia by mid November. He will be active in CW/SSB on 160-10m from the club- station 3V8SS focussing especially on the lowbands. He is also willing to arrange skeds with QRP stations via e-mail ([email protected]). QSL cards should be sent direct. 5T - MAURITANIA A group of Japanese HAMs works in CW/SSB on 40-10m signing 5T5JA from Nouakchott until the mid of Nov. Their QSL manager is JA1BAB. 9M2 - WESTERN MALAYSIA, AS-015 Rich,PA0RRS, is travelling to Penang (AS-015) again and plans to become active as 9M2MRS between Nov 17 and Feb 6, 2009. QSLs via his homecall. PACIFIC OCEAN Bernhard,DL2GAC, received an e-mail from Mike,KM9D, stating following: At the moment Mike and June,KF4TUG, are anchoring and building up their stocks in Honiara the capital of the Solomon Islands. During his stay in Temotu he had almost no sunshine and much bad wx working as H40MY. June got a skin irritation but luckily she was treated by the doctor of a group of scientists from French New Caledonia which happened to stay on Vanikoro at the same time. In the Pacific region there is typhoon season now (Oct/Nov until Mar/Apr) and most of the sailors stay in the safe harbour during this time. Last weekend Mike thought about of going to Pohnpei (OC-010) including a stopover in Ontong Java (OC-192) from where he may show up as H44MY. His position can be tracked online at: http://www.winlink.org/dotnet/maps/PositionreportsDetail.aspx?=km9d BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The station E760DPR is activated until Dec 31, 2008, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Radio Club Trebinje. QSL via E73DPR. ENGLAND, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The largest German battleship "Tirpitz" was sunk on Nov 12, 1944. The special callsign GB617SQN activated by the "Thorpe Camp Amateur Radio Group" (http://www.thorpecamp.org.uk) till Nov 27 remembers this event. QSL via 2E0PRD, direct or via bureau. --- Members of the "Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society" (RAFARS) will activate the special event station GB70RAF between Nov 14 and Dec 11.
DXNL 1597 - Nov 12, 2008 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: [email protected]) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: [email protected]) VP8/A - ANTARCTICA Alex,RV1ZC (ex-UA1ZCK), is overwintering at the Russian Vostok base. He will be active as R1ANC in CW/SSB/digital modes on several HF bands. QSL via RN1ON, direct or via bureau. --- OP0OL is the callsign of Joel,ON5XX, who is staying at Patriot Hills between Nov 10 and Dec 18. Joel prefers CW but is not an experienced DXpeditioner or contester and asks for your patience during his QSOs. QSLs via ON5XX. --- Meanwhile Nicolas,FT5YI (F4EGX), hit the airwaves from the French base Dumont D'Urville where he will stay until mid December. He has been spotted in SSB on 14200-14210 kHz around 0830 UTC. Interesting photos can be found at: http://f4egx.homelinux.net A3 - TONGA, OC-049 Nob,A35AU (JA2AAU), Yoshi,A35IC (JA2AIC), Iwao,A35SS (JA2LSS), Iku,A35TE (JA2ATE), and Mori,A35ZS (JA2ZS), plan to activate the island Nuku'alofa (OC-049) in all modes on all bands from Nov 12-16. QSLs direct or via the JARL bureau to their homecalls. C9 - MOZAMBIQUE UY5LW will stay in Mozambique from Nov 13 until Dec 2. He will work with 800 watts signing C91LW in CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10m and plans to join the CQWW CW Contest on 40m single band.QSL via UY5LW. You can find more information online at: http://www.dxer.com.ua/c91lw FG - GUADELOUPE Serge,F6AUS, is active as FG/F6AUS from La Desirade Island (NA-102) from Nov 7-15. He will then go to Les Saintes (NA-114) where he will sign TO2HI from Nov 16 until Dec 3 (including CQWW CW Contest). Serge confirms QSLs very reliably also via bureau. J5 - GUINEA-BISSAU / 6W - SENEGAL Peter,HA3AUI, will be back in Western Africa from where he intends to show up as J5UAP and 6W2SC between Nov 15 and Mar 31, 2009. He will use spider beams, verticals and dipoles on 160-10m running 500 watts in 6W and only 100 watts in J5. Peter prefers digital modes but works also some SSB and CW upon request. QSLs direct or via bureau to HA3AUI. S7 - SEYCHELLES Norbert,DL2RNS, is active as S79NS from Nov 1-20. He plans to activate Mahe Island (AF-024) and Desroches Island (AF-033). QSL via homecall. 3B7 - ST BRANDON ISLANDS, AF-015 The trip of Rachid,3B8FQ, planned for October had to be postponed due to transportation problems. His latest plans indicate the leave for St Brandon on Nov 15. Expect him to show up as 3B7FQ in CW and SSB for an uncertain period of time. QSL via K5XK. 3V - TUNISIA Alex,GM0DHZ/AA8YH, is going to start his five week holiday in Tunisia by mid November. He will be active in CW/SSB on 160-10m from the club- station 3V8SS focussing especially on the lowbands. He is also willing to arrange skeds with QRP stations via e-mail ([email protected]). QSL cards should be sent direct. 5T - MAURITANIA A group of Japanese HAMs works in CW/SSB on 40-10m signing 5T5JA from Nouakchott until the mid of Nov. Their QSL manager is JA1BAB. 9M2 - WESTERN MALAYSIA, AS-015 Rich,PA0RRS, is travelling to Penang (AS-015) again and plans to become active as 9M2MRS between Nov 17 and Feb 6, 2009. QSLs via his homecall. PACIFIC OCEAN Bernhard,DL2GAC, received an e-mail from Mike,KM9D, stating following: At the moment Mike and June,KF4TUG, are anchoring and building up their stocks in Honiara the capital of the Solomon Islands. During his stay in Temotu he had almost no sunshine and much bad wx working as H40MY. June got a skin irritation but luckily she was treated by the doctor of a group of scientists from French New Caledonia which happened to stay on Vanikoro at the same time. In the Pacific region there is typhoon season now (Oct/Nov until Mar/Apr) and most of the sailors stay in the safe harbour during this time. Last weekend Mike thought about of going to Pohnpei (OC-010) including a stopover in Ontong Java (OC-192) from where he may show up as H44MY. His position can be tracked online at: http://www.winlink.org/dotnet/maps/PositionreportsDetail.aspx?=km9d BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The station E760DPR is activated until Dec 31, 2008, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Radio Club Trebinje. QSL via E73DPR. ENGLAND, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The largest German battleship "Tirpitz" was sunk on Nov 12, 1944. The special callsign GB617SQN activated by the "Thorpe Camp Amateur Radio Group" (http://www.thorpecamp.org.uk) till Nov 27 remembers this event. QSL via 2E0PRD, direct or via bureau. --- Members of the "Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society" (RAFARS) will activate the special event station GB70RAF between Nov 14 and Dec 11.