I am of Sephardic Jewish descent. Considering that many Sephardic Jews have been forced to assimilate to their communities the Jewish 'blood' in my family is not 100%...My Jewishness comes from my father's side of the family. His father was Jewish and all family before that were Jewish....My mother is christian...I consider myself a Jew religiously...Am I eligible to make Aliyah??...do I have to formaly convert??
I am of Sephardic Jewish descent. Considering that many Sephardic Jews have been forced to assimilate to their communities the Jewish 'blood' in my family is not 100%...My Jewishness comes from my father's side of the family. His father was Jewish and all family before that were Jewish....My mother is christian...I consider myself a Jew religiously...Am I eligible to make Aliyah??...do I have to formaly convert??