emberassin question:
ok - this is really emberassing, but for some reason, i found out that after all that time in the east, i still don't know where i should face while being in the toilet!!!! i mean - in the public ones, it's usually the face toward the door. but is it always like that? and one more: in houses, should i ALWAYS throw the toilet paper to a bascket, or can i flash it? should i ask every time about it? it's REAAAAAALY emberassing!!! yom tov guan (in the movies) yin
ok - this is really emberassing, but for some reason, i found out that after all that time in the east, i still don't know where i should face while being in the toilet!!!! i mean - in the public ones, it's usually the face toward the door. but is it always like that? and one more: in houses, should i ALWAYS throw the toilet paper to a bascket, or can i flash it? should i ask every time about it? it's REAAAAAALY emberassing!!! yom tov guan (in the movies) yin