First questions about moving to Isr

Jennifer Ellis

New member
First questions about moving to Isr

I am a US citizen living in the state of Maine, considering the idea of maybe moving to Israel. Have been there to visit before, loved it. Am of Jewish birth (mother is Jew). I am 50 years old and divorced (f), no children. Don't want any financial assistance from the government. Anyone have an idea of what my chances would be of being accepted ?


New member

Of course you should get assistance from the government – you are entitled like any other oleh. You will need the money to improve the first 12 months here. So, no more argument here any more. Second; surly, once you have mastered the language (ulpan – the government pays), you would like to get a job – what is your occupation? Where do you want to live? A small place, a big city? So many things to think of. Why don't you call the AACI ( – they can surely find someone who made aliyah recently from USA and you have a nice chat – just to get some more information. Their Phone number is: 972-2-5661181 . Good luck