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From the Australian forum
A guy naem andrew wrote as follows, i thing it is perfect: In the McLeod's tele-universe these things seem to be true- *Relationships are a big tease. Everyone has a practice-relationship with someone who is not their perfect match before they finally end up with their soul mate. Claire had Peter and then Alex. Tess had Alex and then Nick. Alex had nearly everyone, most notably Tess, Claire and then Fiona before finding Stevie... The same is still true for the current cast of characters. Grace has Hugh and then who? Marcus might be starting with Ingrid. When all the while it seems the writers really want to repeat the Claire/Tess Nick/Alex storyline and in the end Marcus and Grace will end up together. The one I wonder about is Stevie. Finally she got her man Alex and now Argentina has sucked him away, what will happen to her? If I lived in Gawler, I'd run not walk over to be her soul-mate (I really like Stevie, she's up there with Tess and Claire for me). *Marriage is the beginning of the end. Nick and Tess finally get married and then what? Stevie and Alex get married and then what? Why can't we have a committed successful relationship on this show? *Argentina is a black hole for the gang from Drovers. You go to Argentina and you never come back. I HATE ARGENTINA and Africa too. *It is very dangerous to drive in the Aussie country. People are always crashing into something. *Aussie cars and tires are crap. Every car breaks down and tires go flat all the time. *No one middle age or older lives in the Drovers area anmore. What happened to all the old-timers? What's wrong with a little age-diversity? *Characters always struggle in the beginning. No one listens to anyone else and new people always do dumb/dangerous/illegal things. The gang eventually come to the rescue and the new person is finally welcomed into the fold. *Original characters (Claire, Tess, Alex, Nick, Harry, Becky, Meg, Jodi...) were more crafted and developed in the writing than the newer characters. Grace has never been given the proper chance to fit in like Tess was. Marcus is the sole exception, his introduction and development has been excellent. Ingrid seems to be off to a good start. I really miss the early seasons characters and would like to see the same love and care taken in how the new one's are introduced and developed. *MD is better when it focuses on country drama rather than relationship-soap. *MD is better when there is kindness and friendship against the hardships of country farming. I love this show. It has a rich heritage in seasons 1-4. Season 5 was OK, but 6 and 7 were spotty for me. MD has great promise and that is why it is so hard to watch 6 and 7. The good moments in both seasons were excellent and it makes you hope for more. I still hope. I still believe. I still love this world Posie has created and am optimistic that season 8 will return to the wonderful storytelling of the early years. Perhaps you argee or disagree...
A guy naem andrew wrote as follows, i thing it is perfect: In the McLeod's tele-universe these things seem to be true- *Relationships are a big tease. Everyone has a practice-relationship with someone who is not their perfect match before they finally end up with their soul mate. Claire had Peter and then Alex. Tess had Alex and then Nick. Alex had nearly everyone, most notably Tess, Claire and then Fiona before finding Stevie... The same is still true for the current cast of characters. Grace has Hugh and then who? Marcus might be starting with Ingrid. When all the while it seems the writers really want to repeat the Claire/Tess Nick/Alex storyline and in the end Marcus and Grace will end up together. The one I wonder about is Stevie. Finally she got her man Alex and now Argentina has sucked him away, what will happen to her? If I lived in Gawler, I'd run not walk over to be her soul-mate (I really like Stevie, she's up there with Tess and Claire for me). *Marriage is the beginning of the end. Nick and Tess finally get married and then what? Stevie and Alex get married and then what? Why can't we have a committed successful relationship on this show? *Argentina is a black hole for the gang from Drovers. You go to Argentina and you never come back. I HATE ARGENTINA and Africa too. *It is very dangerous to drive in the Aussie country. People are always crashing into something. *Aussie cars and tires are crap. Every car breaks down and tires go flat all the time. *No one middle age or older lives in the Drovers area anmore. What happened to all the old-timers? What's wrong with a little age-diversity? *Characters always struggle in the beginning. No one listens to anyone else and new people always do dumb/dangerous/illegal things. The gang eventually come to the rescue and the new person is finally welcomed into the fold. *Original characters (Claire, Tess, Alex, Nick, Harry, Becky, Meg, Jodi...) were more crafted and developed in the writing than the newer characters. Grace has never been given the proper chance to fit in like Tess was. Marcus is the sole exception, his introduction and development has been excellent. Ingrid seems to be off to a good start. I really miss the early seasons characters and would like to see the same love and care taken in how the new one's are introduced and developed. *MD is better when it focuses on country drama rather than relationship-soap. *MD is better when there is kindness and friendship against the hardships of country farming. I love this show. It has a rich heritage in seasons 1-4. Season 5 was OK, but 6 and 7 were spotty for me. MD has great promise and that is why it is so hard to watch 6 and 7. The good moments in both seasons were excellent and it makes you hope for more. I still hope. I still believe. I still love this world Posie has created and am optimistic that season 8 will return to the wonderful storytelling of the early years. Perhaps you argee or disagree...