G8:Lebanese Gov on1559UN Reslution
Call for G8 to turn to Lebanese Government on responsebility of the Chrisis of war with Israel by not fullfiling its 1559 U.N security Resolution _____________________________________________________________________ Only the fulfilment of U.N Dessition 1559 from -as was demanded from International Community , US & U.N is the Only way to end the war between Israel and Lebanon (AS well as releasing unconditionaly the Israeli kidnnaped Soldiars from Hizballa & Hammas): Dessition 1559 says : To deploy the Lebanon`s Army near the Israeli border , instead of letting Hizballah threaten Israel`s Border by "terror-Katyusha" Missiles (And the dismentaling of the Hizballah terror organization Encouraging the Hammas to terror Israel as well and both led by Iran and syria) Quaetions from U.N 1559 security council resolution (Sep 2, 2004): "...Gravely Concerned at the continued presence of armed militias in Lebanon, Whitch prevent the Lebanese Government from exercising its full sovereignty over all Lebanese territory..." (i.e : Hezballah Terror organization , suported by Iran and Syria ) "...reafirming the importance of the extention of the control of the Government of Lebanon of all Lebanese Territories.."(i.e : disarm Hizballah Terror , controling and terrorizing the border of Lebanon with Israel and deploy Lebanese official Army instead of a terror organization disstablizing the border with Israel by launching "Hizballah-terror-Katyusha to Israel`s innocent Civiliants) "...Call for dibanding and disarment of all Lebanese and non Lebanese Militias... " (i.e : Hezballah Terror organization , suported by Iran and Syria ) Here is the link to U.N 1559 resolution Document : http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N04/498/92/PDF/N0449892.pdf?OpenElement
Call for G8 to turn to Lebanese Government on responsebility of the Chrisis of war with Israel by not fullfiling its 1559 U.N security Resolution _____________________________________________________________________ Only the fulfilment of U.N Dessition 1559 from -as was demanded from International Community , US & U.N is the Only way to end the war between Israel and Lebanon (AS well as releasing unconditionaly the Israeli kidnnaped Soldiars from Hizballa & Hammas): Dessition 1559 says : To deploy the Lebanon`s Army near the Israeli border , instead of letting Hizballah threaten Israel`s Border by "terror-Katyusha" Missiles (And the dismentaling of the Hizballah terror organization Encouraging the Hammas to terror Israel as well and both led by Iran and syria) Quaetions from U.N 1559 security council resolution (Sep 2, 2004): "...Gravely Concerned at the continued presence of armed militias in Lebanon, Whitch prevent the Lebanese Government from exercising its full sovereignty over all Lebanese territory..." (i.e : Hezballah Terror organization , suported by Iran and Syria ) "...reafirming the importance of the extention of the control of the Government of Lebanon of all Lebanese Territories.."(i.e : disarm Hizballah Terror , controling and terrorizing the border of Lebanon with Israel and deploy Lebanese official Army instead of a terror organization disstablizing the border with Israel by launching "Hizballah-terror-Katyusha to Israel`s innocent Civiliants) "...Call for dibanding and disarment of all Lebanese and non Lebanese Militias... " (i.e : Hezballah Terror organization , suported by Iran and Syria ) Here is the link to U.N 1559 resolution Document : http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N04/498/92/PDF/N0449892.pdf?OpenElement