hail to all


New member
about the meetups

hail to all there are wiccan meetups held in tel aviv if anyone is interested thank you


New member
hail to all

hail to all
i am a seeker of knowledge and experience and new to this group just wanted to say that it was actualy very hard to find you people...hehe...and i'v looked for some time..someone send me this link and i like to thank him for that if you have any links of pagan israeli sites,forums ,confrences and such i'l apritiate it escept that i'm happy to be here and we'l see what will evolve...it's quite hard to find pagans in isreal it is the forbidden faith(way of life and mostly the ritual part no matter that alot of it was taaken and transformed to "legal" magic wich is the kabbalah more to this is that israel is the epicentre of antimagia-meaning magic works very hard and slowly here and the spirits are much stornger then in other parts of the world so we have to know more then others and be much more carefulfor "what is above,same is below" and so i would like to suggest study groups on this interest(for it is not just a hobby but a phylosophy ) if anyone might be interested please contact me via email or icq also visit this sitehttp://www.meetup.com.witches thank you and blessed be io pan

Justin Angel

New member
שלום שלום

ברוכה הבאה
בפורום רשימת קישורים מקיפה וגם רשימת מאמרים איכותית לעיונך. בקשר למפגשים (ע"ע confrences) יש מפגשים חודשיים בתל-אביב. בברכה,


New member
wicca meetups

hail i am glad you are interested please contact me at 0547519855 thank you and blessed be io pan

Justin Angel

New member
אמצע פבואר מתוכנן המפגש הבא.

באמת תהיתי למה את לא מגיעה יותר... חשבתי שפשוט נמאסנו עלייך

טלה בר

New member
שלחתי תגובה

ואני לא רואה אותה. אני לא מגיעה יותר למפגשים כי לא קיבלתי שום הודעה עליהם!

Justin Angel

New member
מצטער על זה

לא תמיד יש זמן לארגן מעבר ללשלוח הודעות לפורום ולישרא-וויקה.... בכל מקרה, נשמח לראות אותך במפגש באמצע פבואר! כנראה שזה ב17 לפבואר.

Justin Angel

New member
תל-אביב, כנראה באבן-גבירול

נוציא הודעה עם שאר הפרטים שיהיו לנו אותם.


New member

hail justin i need to contact you about the meet ups it's very important please call me at 0547519855 thank you for inviting me here already enjoying this
about evil... "sator arepo tenet opera rotas" meaning"as above so below do as though wilt by be very careful for it all bad and good comes back to you three-fold and i don't need to know much to tell you that...hehe i was "in"evil for so long...i got more then i wished for...i am sorry for those years yearnings and the things i did...to people i loved...so stupid...and so there's much to talk of i'm sure i will be waiting... blessed be io pan

L e s t a t

New member
What's with all the Hailing around?

As Asatru I can understand the occasional "Hail" or "Heilsa" when you meet people and such but why every message of yours begins with "Hail"? One "Hail" in a whole topic will suffice.


New member
אפשר עברית?

זה פורום בעברית, בכל זאת. זה שלמישהו אין אפשרות לכתוב בעברית לא צריך לגרום לאלה שכן לכתוב באנגלית.


New member
hail ../images/Emo13.gif

well i actualy used hail becouse i 'v encountered different greetings like"blessed be" throughout the different messeges and posts and i didn't think it was fitting to me so i greet with hail for the same reason you don't for i like to greet with present of mutual honor and not ritual as i adress the people i talk on the net milady or milord...hehe...it's alitlle game i play...visualization is possible in any state..if i had a sword to rase for you to see i probably would do so...and say hail..does it realy bother you that much? i would of think that my signature"io pan" would rase more responses then my greeting...but that's just me i gess anyway you'r probably right and so i will pay more attention to what words to put on the screen thank you io pan